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Members of the LGBT community and their supporters celebrated the settlement between Spark Networks and the two gay men, noting that the agreement will make online dating more inclusive. Online dating can be a key way for gays and lesbians from small towns to meet each other, as Eliel Cruz explained in Quartz in June Deseret News Church News Subscribe.
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A lawsuit, originally filed in , brought by two gay men against the owner of several faith-based dating websites, has been settled. Like that?
Read this. Faith April 11, President Donald Trump wants to add a question to the census on religion.
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For Markle, Origins will act as a further step in the right direction for gay Mormons — moving from preliminary dialogue to a place of action. In order to act as a force for good in the lives of its Mormon members, the church must continue evolving and making amends to the gay faithful. As a practicing Mormon and weekly churchgoer, Markle understands his position may be controversial for many in the church and that he may face excommunication or disfellowship for his involvement in Origins — as advocating homosexual relationships may be grounds for expulsion from the church.
Markle was recently disfellowed from the church for getting involved in a relationship, which he could be excommunicated for.
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They were welcoming of his orientation — and treated his new relationship just like any other. Markle hopes that the church will one day be able to say the same.
Affirmation seeks provide a safe space in the Mormon church "where LGBT individuals, as well as those questioning their orientation, can associate with like individuals, ask questions, and know that they are not alone. Although neither Origins nor Affirmations is officially sanctioned by the Mormon Church -- as the Elders do not openly recognize LGBT organizations as official church entities -- Origins comes on the heels of the church's announcement that they will minister to LGBTQ individuals.
In December, the Mormon Church launched "Mormons and Gays," a website devoted to "discussion on same-sex attraction.
LDS Singles and other religious dating sites must now serve LGBT singles
Like Origins, Mormons and Gays acts as a conduit for conversation and acceptance of LGBTQ individuals, so that church members can "respond sensitively and thoughtfully when they encounter same-sex attraction in their own families, among other Church members, or elsewhere.
Markle realizes that the mission of Origins, which helps LGBTQ singles connect for the purposes of a relationship, diverges with the church's new stance on homosexuality -- which is of the "love the sinner, hate the sin" variety. For Markle, Origins will act as a further step in the right direction for gay Mormons -- moving from preliminary dialogue to a place of action. Frustrated with the church's decision to call same-gender relationships "attractions," Markle stated that the church "still has a long way to go in regard to full inclusion" and repairing the damage done by decades of forcing LGBTQ members into the closet.
LDS Singles and other religious dating sites must now serve LGBT singles | Deseret News
In order to act as a force for good in the lives of its Mormon members, the church must continue to evolve and make amends to the gay faithful. As a practicing Mormon and weekly churchgoer, Markle understands his position may be controversial for many in the church and that he may face excommunication or disfellowship for his involvement in Origins -- as advocating homosexual relationships may be grounds for expulsion from the church. Markle was recently disfellowed from the church for getting involved in a relationship, which he could be excommunicated for. Despite disapproval from the leadership, Markle's other churchgoers were like a family to him.
They were welcoming of his orientation -- and treated his new relationship just like any other.
Markle hopes that the church will one day be able to say the same. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you.