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And many trans folks themselves directly link these changes in attractions to the hormones they are taking or suppressing. Another possibility is that the changes in sexual attractions are precipitated by the physical changes that trans people experience after hormonal or surgical treatments.
- The Transgender Dating Dilemma.
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- Research Shows Many Trans Folks' Sexual Attractions Change After Transition!
So even if you did have attractions for men, you might not engage with men or even indulge in fantasies about men until you can be witnessed as and interacted with in your affirmed gender. Men, in particular, can also be more physically dangerous than women, something that Toby, as a relatively small person, was always acutely aware of.
Having a body that matches your gender identity and that you feel comfortable in allows you to expand the genders that you feel comfortable interacting with.
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Dulcinea Pitagora [ DulcineaPitagora. It remains unclear to what extent these shifts represent brand new attractions that never existed before versus attractions that already existed to some extent but were suppressed or dismissed. Some trans people report clear pre-transition desires to one or the other gender that they actively suppressed, in many cases because they were trying to fit in with the heterosexual norm given their gender assigned at birth.
As one trans woman explained in an older study: Experiencing these shifts is not always easy. Get the best of what's queer.
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Read More. Coachella By Trish Bendix. Bockting was quick to note. Research on the topic remains spotty at best; there's little sense of how common shifts in sexual orientation are among trans people, though among trans communities anecdotal evidence suggests such shifts aren't uncommon. A study , which surveyed trans people who visited the endocrine outpatient clinic at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, found that "self-reported change in sexual orientation is quite common" in both male-to-female and female-to-male trans people.
Of the 70 trans women in the study group, The study clarifies that such changes don't "solely occur in the context of particular transition events.
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Like Alison, Ann feels that testosterone—and, later, estrogen—may have played a role in her sexual shift, but she recognizes that it probably occurred in conjunction with the social and psychological changes that occurred once she was able to live as a woman. Ann's story, as she tells it, is less about strict changes in sexual attraction and more about the loosening of sexual preferences that once seemed fixed and inalterable.
She still finds men attractive, and is even dating a man right now, but she no longer holds herself to fixed ideas about what her sexuality is or how it should be defined. In fact, Ann feels that after transitioning, it became easier for her to "open up" romantically and "to love. Laura Erickson-Schroth, a public psychiatry and LGBT health fellow at Columbia University, emphasizes that "we know very little about whether hormones for transition affect sexual orientation," noting that "many people, transgender and cisgender, experience shifts in their sexual orientations over the course of their lives.
The Trans Women Who Become Lesbians After Years as Gay Men
One of the gifts of having transgender people in your life is [that they allow you] to recognize and experience that gender is not entirely binary. Bockting similarly noted that there is an interplay among one's self-esteem, social identity, and sexual orientation. In college, when she was five months into her transition, Alison remembers becoming interested in a young, beautiful woman who attracted a lot of attention from both straight guys and lesbians on campus. She was surprised by herself, finding it hard to believe that she felt such a strong attraction to a woman.
And she was even more surprised to find that this person was attracted to her, too: The experience was transformative.
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Afterwards, Alison found that she was attracted almost exclusively to women. And because she felt comfortable in her body, she was able to experiment more freely with the limits of her sexuality.
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This was the nail in the coffin for her former "fag" self: Today, Alison is primarily attracted to cisgender women, but she can also be into trans women. In a way, sex with trans women is easier for her. We live in a society that constantly enforces strict norms about how women and men should behave, and with whom.
But such expectations are limiting, boring, and antiquated. For Alison, this realization has been extremely fulfilling. Men I just wanted to top me relentlessly and watch TV with and get high with. With women, I wanted literally everything. While researchers have yet to determine whether changes in hormones lead to changes in sexual orientation, for many trans lesbians, the logic is clear: If you don't have to live as a man anymore, why would you date them?