Signs that you may be dating a guy who is actually gay
At least I hope not. Donna Karan's jewelry line may appeal to you because you appreciate the chunky style and natural fabrications. I doubt you would rush to her nearest store because you connect with her as a straight woman. Give your man some credit.
'How I found out my partner was gay'
Style is an expression of the self, not sexuality. Sex in relationships is tricky because our sensuality is more fluid than we allow. It's understandable to question what's happening with your man's sex drive if he used to be eager and is now sleepy under the sheets.

Does this mean men are his new best thing? Attraction is only one of many factors that contribute to sex drives. Stress, fatigue, drinking, age, and medication all affect sexual desire and performance. It may be true that your husband or boyfriend is more attracted to men than women, but don't assume that sexual attraction is the only driver of sexual performance.
'How I found out my partner was gay' - BBC News
Perhaps he's always wanted to try but never felt comfortable enough to ask—until now. Embracing a Lust for Life , says, "the paradox of sex is that you have to totally become yourself. But it also strips your 'self' away. If your husband is introducing new things, it means he's built a higher level of comfort with you. I suggest going on this journey with him.
You’re Not Alone
One thing that typically stands out is what most people remember about the show. For instance, when I ask people who the main character was, typically the first person that comes to mind is Jack, even though his character was the supporting role. The main character, Will, was the more masculine male figure.
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- 7 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Secretly Gay: How to Tell If He's Hiding His True Self | PairedLife.
Gay is usually associated with a lack of masculinity, weakness, or something I call "not straight looking. Masculinity and femininity are qualities that are specific to the individual. One day he smiled at me really big at the grocery store which really caught my attention and started to make me wonder if he's gay too. Throughout the semester I noticed that he would lift weights next to me but I don't know if it's just coincidence.
One time, he even asked to be my partner for this exercise, but I was stupid and chickened out when he asked if I wanted him to hold my legs down.
I know that was a big mistake and I'm kicking myself for it. Now this year, I have no classes with him which sucks.
But every time I see him in the halls my heart beats really fast. What makes this even more complicated is that he doesn't know that I'm gay because I haven't exactly come out to everybody yet. Any advice would be great. Of course, there's no way to know if these anecdotes mean that this guy is gay. However, this tactic can be hit or miss since the guy might be gay and still not come out, or not be gay in the first place.
This teen could also ask him simple questions, like "What do you think of gay marriage?