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Nov 18, Oct 15, Sep 15, Aug 21, Comments Log in with itch. Ivo96 19 hours ago 1 edit. I want to play further: UnAlone 19 hours ago. Ivo96 14 hours ago. UnAlone 10 hours ago. Kiba Snowpaw 9 days ago 1 edit. Alexslamster 11 days ago. KisFarkas 11 days ago. Gempanchi 14 days ago Hi, first of all I would like to congratulate you for your work so far, the tennis theme is something very interesting and it is much cooler than in the ExtracurricularBlaBlaBla. I would like to know if the game will have any DLC in the future when the project is finalized.
Takashi-kun 14 days ago. HungryNinja8U 13 days ago.
Tennis Ace
I have not seen this. How do I get here? Samtoinette 12 days ago.
It was a suggestion. Sadly, he's not a route. Sanility 12 days ago. Yep, would be fun to see him getting a route in the near future: Don't get annoyed by my messages please. I don't wanna spam Edit: How does Patreon work? How do I find something there?
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I will not bother you with it though When listening to the interview I had a feeling that you are likely pretty intelligent. Hope I encouraged you a tiny bit here. P In order to donate to him, first, you need to sign up for an account. After that, you will need to click on the button that says "Become a patron. I already signed in for an account though. I have nothing more to say, surprising isn't it Ok I got it, that was easy. Surprisingly, he is a Brazilian: Oh and if you want to know more about him, check out this interview: Resbach 17 days ago.
Development log
I am glad someone answered my question. Brazilian huh? I am not using Twitter so no infos are coming from there. Thanks again and for the link. Sanility 17 days ago. Resbach 16 days ago 1 edit. Sanility 14 days ago 1 edit. Resbach 16 days ago. I am looking forward to see more of your phenomenal work, maybe in other VNs too. Sanility 22 days ago. Sodatsu65 21 days ago. Just keep up the good work, and I really hope to see this until the very end. Resbach 19 days ago. P I don't know how old you are but you wrote very well considered, like it always should be Greetings to you too.
Resbach 18 days ago 2 edits. If it's not your native language either I am even more impressed.
Ah and thanks for the greetings too: Lyzder 18 days ago 2 edits. Resbach 18 days ago. View more in thread. Blackjack 28 days ago. Sanility 24 days ago. They would probably: Spent less time together, but still as a couple.
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One person gave up their plan and then stay together with the other one. Or somehow found a way to stay together without interfering their life plan. Blackjack 24 days ago. UnAlone 23 days ago. Maybe WOTB will add your thought to the game and let us choose the ending. Genderless-Waifu 28 days ago. Deleted post. Shiragon 28 days ago. UnAlone 28 days ago. Sanility 27 days ago. How do you extract file from android apk file: P Kinda want to spoil myself on it a little bit earlier: UnAlone 27 days ago.
New updateeeeeeee!!!!!

Is this something that might be addressed in the future? Genderless-Waifu 29 days ago. Sodatsu65 29 days ago.
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Probably Tageki if that's how his name is spelled Tanabe. Tageki Tanabe is more like his rival in tennis than an antagonist. Sodatsu65 28 days ago. BlackER 32 days ago. Genderless-Waifu 31 days ago 1 edit. Kobay 36 days ago. Sanility 36 days ago. Yes, it is getting pretty hot in there. Koryse 36 days ago.