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More efforts are expected in the United States: The trouble is that uterine transplants are extremely complex and resource-intensive, requiring dozens of health personnel and careful coordination. First a uterus and its accompanying veins and arteries must be removed from a donor, either a living volunteer or a cadaver.
Dating a Transgender Person: How is it Different?
Then the organ must be quickly implanted and must function correctly—ultimately producing menstruation in its recipient. If the patient does not have further complications, a year later a doctor may then implant an embryo created via in vitro fertilization. The resulting baby would have to be born through cesarean section—as a safety precaution to limit stress on the transplanted organ, and because the patient cannot feel labor contractions nerves are not transplanted with the uterus.
Following the transplant and throughout the pregnancy the patient has to take powerful antirejection drugs that come with the risk of problematic side effects.
How a Transgender Woman Could Get Pregnant - Scientific American
The dynamic process of pregnancy also requires much more than simply having a womb to host a fetus, so the hurdles would be even greater for a transwoman. To support a fetus through pregnancy a transgender recipient would also need the right hormonal milieu and the vasculature to feed the uterus, along with a vagina. For individuals who are willing to take these extreme steps, reproductive specialists say such a breakthrough could be theoretically possible—just not easy.
Here is how it could work: First, a patient would likely need castration surgery and high doses of exogenous hormones because high levels of male sex hormones, called androgens, could threaten pregnancy. Although hormone treatments can be powerful, patients would likely need to be castrated because the therapy might not be enough to maintain the pregnancy among patients with testes.
A small number of surgeons already have experience creating artificial vaginas and connecting them to uterine transplants.
Separately, surgeons that specialize in working with transwomen also often create neovaginas after castration, using skin from the penis and the scrotum. Even if the hormonal and anatomical challenges are overcome, for someone who was born producing sperm instead of eggs there would be one more hurdle: Experts disagree about what would be the biggest barrier to pulling off these theoretical transplants and pregnancies.
Giuliano Testa, a transplant surgeon at Baylor University Medical Center who will soon be directing uterine transplant surgeries among natal women, says the hormones would likely prove the biggest obstacle. Bowers, who is transgender herself, says she is concerned about dangers to the fetus from a potentially unstable biological environment and unforeseen risks for the mother-to-be.
Costs and ethics also pose significant barriers. And some doctors working on the frontlines with transgender patients have expressed concerns about the ethics involved in the risks. Sauer, the gynecologist from Columbia, says that with options including surrogacy and adoption available in many locations, an experimental surgery to help patients give birth—not save their lives—seems like a huge risk.
Yet there is no discussion yet about how transgender candidates would be included in the mix. Additionally, it is unclear how demand for a uterus would be weighed by a hospital or an organization like the United Network for Organ Sharing. Yet interest in uterine transplants is growing: The next natural step for those interested in assisting transgender or male patients, however, would likely be tackling this procedure among women with a rare condition called androgen insensitivity syndrome , he says. A person with AIS appears largely female, but has no uterus and is genetically male.
Amid these complex discussions there is one bright spot, the relative ease of finding the organs. Already one group has proved rich in willing donors: Such potential donors may seem ideal because they are not pursuing a hysterectomy due to disease. In California, the School Success and Opportunity Act authored by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano , which became state law on January 1, , says "A pupil shall be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil's records.
Sexual assault, including molestation, rape, forced anal and oral sex, gang rape and stripping is being committed with impunity and there are reliable statistics and materials to support such activities.

Further, access to public toilets is also a serious problem they face quite often. Discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation or gender identity, therefore, impairs equality before law and equal protection of law and violates Article 14 of the Constitution of India. Some feminists and feminist groups are supportive of transgender people. Others are not. Though second-wave feminism argued for the sex and gender distinction , some feminists believed there was a conflict between transgender identity and the feminist cause; e.
Many transgender feminists, however, view themselves as contributing to feminism by questioning and subverting gender norms.
Third-wave and contemporary feminism are generally more supportive of transgender people. A study of Swedes estimated a ratio of 1. The causes of transsexuality have been studied for decades. The most studied factors are biological. Certain brain structures in trans women have been found to be similar to cisgender women's as opposed to cis men's, and trans men's have been found to be similar to cis men's, even controlling for hormone use , which can also cause trans people's brains to become closer to those of cis people of the same gender.
However, these studies are limited as they include a small number of tested individuals. Studies have also found that both androphilic and gynephilic trans women's brain function and responses are like cis women's and unlike cis men's, or are intermediate between the two. Likewise, studies such as Rametti's have found that trans men have male-like white matter patterns even before using hormones , regardless of sexual orientation.
With regard to genetic factors, a study by Hare reported that trans women have a longer androgen receptor gene than cis men, which is less effective at binding testosterone, potentially preventing complete masculinization of the brain prenatal androgen exposure or sensitivity, or lack thereof, is an often cited mechanism to explain observed brain-structure differences.
Environmental factors have also been proposed. The failure of an attempt to raise David Reimer from infancy through adolescence as a girl after his genitals were accidentally mutilated is cited as disproving the theory that gender identity is determined by upbringing. Ray Blanchard developed a taxonomy of male-to-female transsexualism that proposes two distinct etiologies for androphilic and gynephilic individuals that has become highly controversial, supported by J. According to Amnesty International , 1. One effort to quantify the population gave a "rough estimate" that 0.
This would put the total number of transgender Americans at approximately 1. In Latin American cultures, a travesti is a person who has been assigned male at birth and who has a feminine, transfeminine, or "femme" gender identity. Travestis generally undergo hormonal treatment, use female gender expression including new names and pronouns from the masculine ones they were given when assigned a sex, and might use breast implants, but they are not offered or do not desire sex-reassignment surgery.
They are framed as something entirely separate from transgender women, who possess the same gender identity of people assigned female at birth. Other transgender identities are becoming more widely known, as a result of contact with other cultures of the Western world. In Thailand and Laos , [] the term kathoey is used to refer to male-to-female transgender people [] and effeminate gay men. The cultures of the Indian subcontinent include a third gender , referred to as hijra in Hindi.
In India , the Supreme Court on April 15, , recognized a third gender that is neither male nor female, stating "Recognition of transgenders as a third gender is not a social or medical issue but a human rights issue.
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Among the ancient Middle Eastern Akkadian people, a salzikrum was a person who appeared biologically female but had distinct male traits. Salzikrum is a compound word meaning male daughter.
How a Transgender Woman Could Get Pregnant
A salzikrum's father could also stipulate that she inherit a certain amount. In early Medina , gender-variant [] male-to-female Islamic people were acknowledged [] in the form of the Mukhannathun. Mahu is a traditional status in Polynesian cultures. Also, in Fa'asamoa traditions, the Samoan culture allows a specific role for male to female transgender individuals as Fa'afafine. Transgender people vary greatly in choosing when, whether, and how to disclose their transgender status to family, close friends, and others.
Fear of retaliatory behavior, such as being removed from the parental home while underage, is a cause for transgender people to not come out to their families until they have reached adulthood. The internet can play a significant role in the coming out process for transgender people.
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Some come out in an online identity first, providing an opportunity to go through experiences virtually and safely before risking social sanctions in the real world. As more transgender people are represented and included within the realm of mass culture, the stigma that is associated with being transgender can influence the decisions, ideas, and thoughts based upon it.
Media representation, culture industry , and social marginalization all hint at popular culture standards and the applicability and significance to mass culture as well.
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These terms play an important role in the formation of notions for those who have little recognition or knowledge of transgender people. Media depictions represent only a minuscule spectrum of the transgender group, [] which essentially conveys that those that are shown are the only interpretations and ideas society has of them. However, in , the United States reached a "transgender tipping point", according to Time. Since then, the number of transgender portrayals across TV platforms has stayed elevated. International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual holiday occurring on March 31 [] [] dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide.
The holiday was founded by Michigan-based transgender activist [] Rachel Crandall in [] as a reaction to the lack of LGBT holidays celebrating transgender people, citing the frustration that the only well-known transgender-centered holiday was the Transgender Day of Remembrance which mourned the loss of transgender people to hate crimes, but did not acknowledge and celebrate living members of the transgender community. The purpose of Transgender Awareness Week is to educate about transgender and gender non-conforming people and the issues associated with their transition or identity.
TDOR serves a number of purposes:. Annual marches, protests or gatherings take place around the world for transgender issues, often taking place during the time of local Pride parades for LGBT people. These events are frequently organised by trans communities to build community, address human rights struggles , and create visibility. A common symbol for the transgender community is the Transgender Pride flag , which was designed by the American transgender woman Monica Helms in , and was first shown at a pride parade in Phoenix, Arizona in The flag consists of five horizontal stripes: Helms describes the meaning of the flag as follows:.
The light blue is the traditional color for baby boys, pink is for girls, and the white in the middle is for "those who are transitioning, those who feel they have a neutral gender or no gender", and those who are intersex.