Gay younger older dating sites
How dare the person that wrote this article to make a judgment. Multigenaerion realahionships are not a big daddy or sugar daddy life style as you suggested. I call your article horseshiit!! Your email address will not be published. Leave this field empty. By Gay International Dating. I did find an interesting article on the Washington Post which talks about the commonality of inter-generational gay dating: Read full article The reality is as gay men our dating pool is simply smaller.
As monogamy takes a hold in our community we see our younger men seeking stable secure relationships.
Read the study here. Is intergenerational dating a thing now? You may also like Older — Younger: Age Differences in Dating. Navigating Relationship Age Gaps. Gregory Sytch November 27, at You can still use our search settings to find exactly who you're looking for. Try our sister site Bois2Men for hook ups and naughty fun! Member Login. Online dating dedicated to younger older gay relationships. Life has its seasons and each season has its unique attractions. Start your journey Younger older gay relationships are becoming more and more popular.
Prefer something less serious? I got a lot of dates and attention clearly for that reason alone. I knew I was being used. So what! I got off on the attention. What is annoying about OP is that he wants his cake and to eat it too. You want to fuck younger guys be prepared to pay for it. You are just as superficial as those younger guys that are only into your money.
You want to fuck young hot bodies? They want to be taken care of. Young guys need incentive to lick your wrinkly sagging balls and no, the stimulating conversation and "wisdom" you provide as an elder gay is not really incentive. I have no problem with daddies wanting to have their boys, but don't be a fucking cheap daddy and don't get get all sanctimonious expecting a one way parasitic relationship that clearly favors your issues as a stunted man child. Yes, my brother is a straight version of the OP.
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He is single and has had one relationship in the last 20 years. The relationship didn't last long. He was a sugar daddy who paid for a tummy tuck and who knows what else. All you young guys giving the guy shit for liking younger guys need to take off the gay tinted glasses There are allot of young guys that like older.
I just got dumped by my 31 yo fuck buddy today for being too old Had about 6 good months of being a DILF. But this, and another one calling out "fuck me daddy" while I was pounding him, have set me back on a clear 37 minimum. It never lasts, DLB. Just an an interjection: Because straight guys take such fuck awful care of what they look like and because gay men over compensate for youth oriented gay culture by taking care of their appearance, yes, gay med DO appear younger than their straight counterpoints.
Multiply that with a huge social shift of hygiene and diet and comparison of what 40 year olds used to look like, like a picture of Andy and Judge Hardy, and you CAN say that gay men in general DO look younger that what you would expect. I'm 48 will be 49 in June and over the last year I fucked two guys, one 25 and the other 24, both of whom kept texting me for a few weeks thereafter about when we could hook up a second time with one saying he wanted it to become a regular thing.
I was only interested in one time with each, however, and did not see either one of them again. This isn't bragging on my part -- believe me, I'm far from some stud -- just confirming that there are younger guys out there who very much dig older men. And you don't have to pay for it, they will give it to you free of charge. Doesn't matter how old you are, or what you look like. You will get an Asian boyfriend in a matter of seconds.
Online dating dedicated to younger older gay relationships
Come on older guys, show us what you look like. I bet a lot of us younger guys will find you hot. But they might just be closeted and desperate or might have just found out they are poz. My friend in his 20's became VERY active more so then before, I'm pretty sure he was poz and gave up on himself because he screwed anyone bare ugly, fat, old, poz, drugs etc no questions asked.
They must live in gay ghetto isolation then. Can you imagine the reaction of grown ups to a 40 something suddenly dating a 20 something? You state you want guys "". What if they're 39? What if they're 43 and look 35? How did you arrive at this age range? You likely have good looks, but certainly not in a league breathtaking beautiful with a body to match.
If you had such, you wouldn't be searching for a man within your range - you'd probably have one by now. Would you reject him? Would you require a BMI test? Have you rejected younger men because of this. If you encounter the said average man, would you look at his inner beauty, stability, charm and reliability?
Have you rejected men because you focussed totally on youth and appearance. The specific website that you're seeking does not exist or you wouldn't have to ask if there is one. The hook-up site "MISTER" might come close, but the men you're seeking go nowhere near it unless you have looks, money and connections.
Then, it's moot point. You might have to adjust your rigid standards or just accept being alone. You could hold out - but it could be endless waiting while time marches on. You could be age 50 and asking the same question. Many have. Define rich. Very rich, and well off. In New York, a million in cash is dinner money and you can't live in a very nice place. In the middle of the country, that's a lot. In LA, many "rich" people could not write a million dollar check if their lives depended on it. And above 50, it is about money, or at least security. R11 -- in my experience, Silverdaddies is heavily populated with married men looking for down low.
I'm 53, and not very interested in anyone much under 35 - 40 as a minimum, but have to agree that a lot of guys my age want young'ins. Older guys are too set in their ways. And they always want to fit the younger guys into their lives like a puzzle piece. They expect YOU to move in with them.

They expect you to fall in love with their nasty ass pets. Most of the sites are filled with guys looking for hookups, members are often married. One of the better sites I have found is silverfoxie. The problem there is it is very small and limited. Better than daddyhunt or silverdaddies.
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Many men straight and gay let themselves go at a certain age. Their contemporaries who take greater care shun them. No wonder so many gay men prefer to stay in the closet. Maybe I should get married with a woman and breed six kids after all.
Is Younger / Older Gay Dating a Thing in the Gay Community Now?
At least then I won't be found dead in front of the TV two years after I've died of loneliness. There are many dating sites that I know for gays. You can have a bunch of choices there But why would you go on those sites if I am already here? I am a man looking for a gay partner.
Someone intelligent enough to discuss intelligent topics with me.
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Feel free to add me at skype. I will be waiting for you. I'm 45 and I admit that I find young men extremely attractive. However, I prefer the company of men within 10 years of my age. It might be fun to fuck a something, but I can't imagine what we'd have in common.