Gay catholic dating
These differences are complementary and help to make a marriage healthy and holy — both for the couple and for the children. When a couple has sex inside of the Sacrament of Marriage, God made it to be for two purposes: When one of those two components is taken away it degrades the nature of sex. A degradation of the nature of sex, something we do with our bodies, also degrades us as people. We are made of a body and soul and you cannot separate the two; what you do with your body matters to your soul.
If you willfully and purposefully take away the bonding nature of sex through an act of rape or sexual abuse — that violates the nature of sex, and violates the person. If you willfully and purposefully take out the procreative aspect of sex by homosexual acts or contraception, it also violates the nature of sex and therefore violates the person.
It goes against what God made sex for and what God made us for. What is the good of the beloved? It is to always act with our ultimate end in mind — eternal happiness in heaven. Contrary to what many believe, the highest expression of love for someone is not to have sex with them CCC In a document from the Catholic Bishops about homosexuality, they say:. They should seek to form stable friendships among both homosexuals and heterosexuals.
A homosexual person can have an abiding relationship with another homosexual without genital sexual expression. Indeed the deeper need of any human is for friendship rather than genital expression. When the procreative side of sex is removed — like it is in homosexual sex — it has become reduced to pleasure and the couple is only using each other. Our sexuality makes sense in light of the opposite sex.
Someone who has same-sex attraction can absolutely love others, but that does not have to be through sexual expression. Hate gays? There may be people within the Church who have acted with hatred toward a person with same-sex attraction, but that does not reflect what the Church as a whole teaches.
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It refers to every single person! Or who steals. Or someone who is adulterous, or who looks at porn. These sins are harmful and unhealthy. We all have a cross to carry CCC We all have sins that we struggle with and that tempt us. I can tell you with absolute certainty that people do not go to hell because of their sexual orientation. We were all made by God and He loves each of us the same; He wants us all to be in heaven with Him. You need only pray and fast. And who can disagree with that?
I am reminded of the words of Rahner as he pondered embarking on the writing of his massive tome Foundations of Christian Faith:. I don't disagree that I have not thought enough or prayed enough or suffered enough. Neither, for that matter, has anyone. I do not take the teachings of the church and its years of accumulated wisdom lightly. I never have.
Stances of Faiths on LGBTQ Issues: Roman Catholic Church
But in the actual experience of loving my partner, I knew that our love was good. It was as simple as that.
- The Catholic Church Cares About Gays - for Catholic Youth.
- Too Catholic to be Gay.
- Catholic Singles – Find a serious relationship with us!.
- Homosexual clergy in the Catholic Church.
- My gay Catholic life.
Our love as we experienced it was a flowering of our faith, and not its undoing. This was so overwhelmingly apparent that I was immediately suspicious of my own self. The possibilities for self-deception are infinite, I knew. And I was sure "I know that our love is good" was right up there with "It seemed like a good idea at the time" as the phrase of choice of love- and lust-addled adulterers and sundry other kinds of sinner. But at the end of the day, one is left with oneself, one's conscience however formed , and the stirrings of the spirit.
A longer version of this article first appeared in Commonweal magazine. I am reminded of the words of Rahner as he pondered embarking on the writing of his massive tome Foundations of Christian Faith: This totality opens out in the dark abyss of the wilderness which we call God.
When one undertakes something like this, he stands before the great thinkers, the saints, and finally Jesus Christ. Want to know more about our matchmaking process? We use our test which every new member takes to gain an understanding of how open, conscientious, extraverted, agreeable and neurotic you are, in order to match you with compatible potential partners.
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