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It should be only one to one kind of thing, right? Forgot your password? Speak now. Training Maker Discuss. Survey Maker Flashcards See All. From A Girl: Mar 6, Please take the quiz to rate it. Title of New Duplicated Quiz:. Duplicate Quiz Cancel. A copy of this quiz is in your dashboard. Go to My Dashboard.
For example, if a person is 17 and has sex with someone who is 15, it is not a crime. But if the person was 18, it is a crime unless the person believed the person was 16 or older.
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A person who is caring for you or supervising you, like a teacher, youth worker or foster carer, can't have sex with you or sexually touch you or perform a sexual act or indecent act with you or in front of you, even if you agree, unless they are married to you. However, it is not an offence if the person honestly believed you were 18 or older.
If someone has sex with you or touches you sexually when you are asleep, unconscious or so affected by alcohol or drugs that you are not able to freely agree, it is still a sexual offence. Find out how you can get help with sex and the law. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Address correspondence to: Feinstein, Ph. Copyright notice. The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at Arch Sex Behav. See other articles in PMC that cite the published article. Abstract Close parent-adolescent relationships and specific parenting practices e.
Introduction Parents play an important role in shaping adolescent sexual behavior. Open in a separate window. Procedures Prior to participating in the focus groups, participants completed online questionnaires. Focus group guide Focus group questions were organized into three themes: Coding and analysis Transcripts were imported into Dedoose mixed-methods software for analyses. Results Our analyses revealed three main themes: Table 2 Counts and percentages of codes and subcodes.
Another adolescent described his parents' negative reaction when he came out: These adolescents also described experiences where their parents made assumptions that they were heterosexual and, in turn, asked them questions that made them uncomfortable: For instance: Footnotes Conflict of interest: Timing of parent and child communication about sexuality relative to children's sexual behaviors. Capturing the group effect in focus groups: A special concern in analysis. Qualitative Health Research. Behavioral Medicine.
Keepin' It R. Results of a mother-adolescent HIV prevention program.
Nursing Research. Parental monitoring and the prevention of child and adolescent problem behavior: Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. A meta-analysis. To have sex or not to have sex? An online focus group study of sexual decision making among sexually experienced and inexperienced gay and bisexual adolescent men. Archives of Sexual Behavoir.
Changes in coming out milestones across five age cohorts. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual youths: Separation-individuation, parental attitudes, identity consolidation, and well-being. Doing synchronous online focus groups with young people: Methodological reflections. Is this not normal? Sexuality Research and Social Policy. Parental expertise, trustworthiness, and accessibility: Parent-adolescent communication and adolescent risk behavior.
Project, S. Parent-adolescent sexual communication: AIDS and Behavior. Piloting Lead with Love: Journal of Primary Prevention. The role of mother-daughter sexual risk communication in reducing sexual risk behaviors among urban adolescent females: Journal of Adolescent Health. Risk behavior in adolescence: A psychosocial framework for understanding and action. Developmental Review.
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A review of parenting and adolescent sexual behavior: Clinical Psychology Review. Focus groups: Los Angeles: SAGE; In the dark: Condoms and Connection: Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Parent-child connectedness: Implications for research, interventions and positive impacts on adolescent health.
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Santa Cruz, CA: ETR Associates; Sexual and gender minority adolescents' perspectives on the risks and benefits of sex research. Codebook development for team-based qualitative analysis. Field Methods. Connectedness as a predictor of sexual and reproductive health outcomes for youth. Interrater reliability: Biochemical Medicine. Armistead L. Enhancing HIV communication between parents and children: Andreasen NC.
Capacity to provide informed consent for participation in schizophrenia and HIV research. American Journal of Psychiatry. Ethical and regulatory issues with conducting sexuality research with LGBT adolescents: Archives of Sexual Behavior. Development of sexual orientation and identity. Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; Mental health of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth: A developmental resiliency perspective.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods. Ecodevelopmental HIV prevention programs for Hispanic adolescents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Late adolescent risk-taking: Journal of Adolescence.
Cultural and contextual issues in prevention and treatment. New York, NY: Szapocznik J. A randomized controlled trial of a parent-centered intervention in preventing substance use and HIV risk behaviors in Hispanic adolescents. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Estrada Y.
Effects of a family intervention in reducing HIV risk behaviors among high-risk Hispanic adolescents: Archives of Pediatrric Adolescent Medicine. Sensitivity to Developmental Process in Future Research. Psycholology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Health communication practices among parents and sexual minority youth. Family rejection as a predictor of negative health outcomes in white and Latino lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults.
Narrative therapy pathways for re-authoring with parents of adolescents coming-out as lesbian, gay, and bisexual. Contemporary Family Therapy.