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A hacker group has breached several FBI-affiliated websites and uploaded their contents to the web, including dozens of files containing the personal information of thousands of federal agents and law enforcement officers, TechCrunch has learned.
The spreadsheets contained about 4, unique records after duplicates were removed, including member names, a mix of personal and government email addresses, job titles, phone numbers and their postal addresses. These messages were intended only for prototypes, but a mistake meant they were included in regular production devices, he said. Some messages were included in developer kits for people building software for the product, while others made their way into consumer devices in significantly larger numbers.
Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only…. The Pentagon initiated Friday the transgender military ban in accordance with Trump administration plans for the policy, returning the U. Transgender service members — who had been able to serve openly and obtain transition-related health care since the final year of the Obama administration in — will now face significant impediments on their service and an outright ban for many of them seeking to enlist.
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Log in or link your magazine subscription. Account Profile. Sign Out. The last selfie Parks Denton tweeted before deleting his account. Most Viewed Stories. Trump and his administration have gotten nowhere with North Korea since the last two times they got nowhere, but rematches make good television.
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How Black Twitter and other social media communities interact with mainstream news
HUD city chief Lynne Patton accused of violating federal ethics law by displaying Trump hat in her office. The profile: By David Freedlander. Trump confidant Roger Stone seeks full Mueller report. Roger Stone connected to matters still under investigation, Justice Dept.
Who Is Parks Denton and How Did He Catfish Seemingly All of Gay Twitter?
Hackers publish personal data on thousands of US police officers and federal agents. Intelligencer staffers discuss which candidate might win over newly empowered unions in The number of times a particular story is shared on social media is often seen as an endorsement and shares are considered to be important metrics for news impact. The data revealed however that popularity in terms of share counts does not necessarily mean approval or trust; content from news organizations with low-favorability ratings were also some of the most shared.
Twitter users from Black Twitter, Feminist Twitter and Asian American Twitter are often in a feedback loop of media coverage of their communities.
Lilly Singh: Why the YouTuber coming out as bisexual is 'worth celebrating'
The data revealed feedback loops in which participants created compelling Twitter content, media outlets covered it, and the community then circulated the media coverage of its own content. How Black Twitter and other social media communities interact with mainstream news A new report by Knight Foundation explores how social media subcultures — Black Twitter, Feminist Twitter, and Asian American Twitter — interact with the news.
Keep scrolling to learn more about what we discovered. The findings: Community members express low levels of trust in the media. Media critique often relates to how issues are framed. Participants bypass mainstream media as a news source. Media relies on Twitter subcultures as a source of news.
Participants are concerned about story mining by journalists. Knight Foundation knightfdn. Black Twitter Interview with community member. Read the Media Insight Project's full report here. Black Twitter Interview with Community Member. Mainstream journalism operates from a space that heavily defaults to white issues. Feminist Twitter Interview with community member. It feels opinion-based rather than fact based.
Twitter subcultures give voice to issues that mainstream media don’t cover.
Meredith D. I feel like Twitter drives the mainstream conversation now more than ever. Some fans were angry one man who got a giant Dumbledore tattoo had a pretty annoying day at work after Rowling's revelation , while others felt the statement aimed to mollify critics of the series' lack of diversity after the fact.
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Critics pointed out a similar issue with the casting of South Korean actress Claudia Kim as Nagini in Crimes of Grindelwald , saying that the decision to make the submissive, unlikeable character Asian played into racial stereotypes. Having characters be explicitly queer or of different ethnicities in the original books, some argued, would have been more powerful a cultural statement. Oh, and there was also this weird one about how wizards poop. Apparently, they just do it wherever they're standing. I'm sorry! I know it's Monday.
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