Gay animal love
In her free time, she likes to cook with her children and grandchildren.
These Adorable Gay Animal Couples Prove That ALL Love Is Natural!
Lions imageshack. We at LittleThings care about accuracy. Learn more about our standards and ethics policy here , and report factual errors to corrections littlethings. We Welcome Your Feedback. They were happy just to give love to their new baby.
Homosexual behavior in animals
The thing about being a Bonobo is that you have a lot of time on your monkey hands. As the species most closely related to humans, you have the closest intelligence to people without any of the burdens, parking tickets, or other lame responsibilities. So with a big brain and not too many worries, this super intelligent ape clearly spends all its waking hours getting it on.
- 10 Animals That Prove Same-Sex Love Is Natural?
- Animals That Are Gay, In Love, And Will Brighten Your Day.
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Bonobos are too busy for labels. You know why? And gay rams are just not into ewes.
These Adorable Gay Animal Couples Prove That ALL Love Is Natural!
What did the gay ram say when his farmer wanted him to mate with a female sheep I know that was wordy, just go with it? Okay, bye forever. Straight up everything elephants do is gorgeous. Weird paintings?
Necking giraffes
Absolutely touching. Old lesbian elephants? Please, go on. However, Tilly and Mae Kham Puan are extra special. After both being rescued from trekking companies and being forced for breeding reasons, these two can finally rest in each others company. The two seem to repel anything male and often seek out privacy to be intimate.
Secret lesbian elephant sex by the river! That's so poetic. So walruses are bisexual, obviously. The male walruses even embrace each other and sleep together in the water!
#1 Giraffes
Which walrus gets to be the little spoon? I need to know immediately!
Is there a scientist in Australia who can tell me? Out of the 1, swans at their swannery, two males that hatched together in are the second recorded gay pair to hook up. They participate in the nesting season just like any other swans, and even form a nest and sit on their nest as if they were expecting eggs which is adorable and also really sad.
Some young male giraffes have brief romantic encounters with other giraffes of the same sex. The encounters usually consist of kissing and caressing, so that they gain experience before sex with a female giraffe. Sex among male chimps is actually pretty common.

They engage in sexual activities in order to maintain the union of their group and to alleviate social tensions. A pair of gray male dolphins who enjoyed a relationship for 17 years showed us that humans are not the only species with stable homosexual couples.
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Actually, many dolphins are bisexual and enjoy polyamorous relationships, according to a study of dolphins that was conducted at the University of Massachusetts. Dragonflies in the love mount aerial ballet show their sexual encounters unreservedly. A study published by the magazine Entomological News showed that many dragon couples of the same-sex have been found.
Very little is known about the dragonflies sex life, but it's believed that inability to procreate may have something to do with their behavior.