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But with opportunities scarce, he soon found himself jumping from unfulfilling retail job to retail job, plotting a plan B. Then, early last year, Banks put together his first profile for Rentboy. This, he thought, could be his ticket out. He then kicked back and waited for interested parties to contact him. Banks at work at his sewing machine. He told HuffPost that he hopes to launch a capsule menswear collection at the end of this year. Raydene Salinas. In fact, he was recently crowned the top escort in the world at the Hookie Awards , a ceremony co-produced by Rentboy.

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And life, he says, is really good: But times have changed. Exchanging money for a night of intimacy may still be taboo, but thanks to sites like Rentboy. As a result, industry insiders say, more people than ever are hiring rent boys. More are also choosing to become escorts, despite the stigma and challenges that come with the job. Today, prospective clients can browse the nearly 3, escort profiles listed on Rentboy. Said to be the first male escort ad-listing website, Rentboy.

Though comparable sites have since popped up -- including the similarly named Rentmen. Company Director Sean Van Sant says that on a daily basis, the site gets about , unique visitors, about 70 percent of whom access the site from the United States. The average escort on Rentboy. The oldest escort on the site is We're not pimps here, not an agency.

Eli Lewis knitting in his Manhattan apartment left and holding his dog, Lady. Nick Kraus. Take Eli Lewis for example.

He's a year-old former professional ballet dancer who says he got into escorting a couple years ago to pay off his student loans. Lewis, who attended Sarah Lawrence College before pursuing a career in ballet, says he never expected to become a sex worker. But spurred on by a need for quick cash after a dance injury and encouraged by how easy it was to get started, he eventually took the plunge. Like many others in the industry, Lewis says he also go-go dances and works in porn to make extra cash. Industry insiders say about 60 percent to 70 percent of porn actors also work as escorts.


Other escorts shared similar stories. Most said about half their escorting sessions don't involve sex. One escort, for instance, told a story of a client who wanted nothing more than to masturbate while watching the rent boy break No. It seems, however, that each escort attracts a very different kind of client. Find gay escort revealed that tends to have casual encounters long island city of long beach, club in your needs.

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