Gay escort meaning
As women, we fight for equal rights and to be seen on a par with men. We need to get over that old fashioned idea that men want sex more than women.

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Experience: I was a male escort | Life and style | The Guardian
Related Stories. Sex secrets Spanking, bondage and kicking clients in the groin My first booking came within a week. I was on edge for three days leading up to it.
When the evening came around, the agency phoned with details of where to go. I had hoped to meet in a restaurant or bar - a public place, offering opportunities to chicken out - but I was sent to the client's house. I arrived early and walked up and down the street outside for 20 minutes, talking myself out of it and then, just as fast, persuading myself to go ahead.
In the end, curiosity won out. Life soon became a series of absurd non sequiturs. When I excused myself from after-work drinks, it's safe to assume none of my colleagues suspected that, while they enjoyed a chat in the pub, I was being asked to parade around a warehouse apartment wearing nothing but a pair of Speedos and a smile.
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At first, such secret rendezvous were thrilling, but the excitement soon faded. Escorting is not so much a job as a lifestyle, and your boundaries get tested and reassessed very quickly.
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I'd always thought a threesome must be a liberating experience, and soon I didn't flinch if I counted four other escorts in the room. It's when you see an orgy as part of a normal day that life slips into a slightly surreal and complicated mire. The sex was always empty. Being an escort is not about intimacy and certainly not about love.
I Was A Male Escort For 6 Months. This Is My Story.
It is simply a transaction. There is no flow, no shared experience, just buyer and seller. Money was never discussed because the agency settled the rates beforehand, but while on the surface we were there to enjoy each other's company, the unspoken assumption was that I had been paid for and so would do as I was told. The only time I felt the power shift in my favour was when the client was nervous or seemed to be very taken with me. I wasn't flattered, but I did feel more in control. By and large, the clients fit a similar demographic - between 40 and 60, and extremely wealthy.
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Such men exist in a world where money can, literally, buy anything, but even within this culture there are hierarchies. As one client told me, "Rent boy just sounds vulgar, dirty".
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Even I had to admit to feeling superior; the word "escort" conjured a more romantic image. Regulars were the easiest to deal with because I knew what to expect.