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Gay Bareback Escort
You should know that since this site is British-based the majority of the boys are from the UK, especially in and around London. There are a few dozen escorts from all over the world mostly located somewhere in Europe this site is ideal for people who live in or near the British Isles. And unlike some countries like Russia, technically France, and most of the United States prostitution in the UK is semi-legal. So, if you want to enjoy the virtual Red Light district without being hassled by the cops or even facing jail time, hit up one of the Sleepy Boys and book a train ride or flight to the United Kingdom.
Like J2C there are great search options and a cam section, too. Both are worth looking at and, since the talent is predominantly from the southern UK, you're going to see a lot of white, uncut cock as well as hear some lovely Londoner and Yorkshire accents.

Some of them look very young! The site he accidentally blew up was RentBoy.
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So, in between lectures on how wrong being gay is, he was getting some gay ass on the side. Supposedly, he was only getting relaxing massages he made no mention of getting a happy ending Rent Boy became mage famous, which must have been great for the webmasters, until the US Feds cracked down on it. Eventually, the site was shut down and, while it has supposedly been revived in under the domain name of RentBoy. After that, escorts have been even more careful about how they advertise themselves even on safe sites like the ones listed here.
Furthermore, the existing websites themselves are even more cautious about who they allow onto their sites. So, I have no intention of being dragged into court over promoting some sick fuckers who are allowing underage people to use their sites. To sum up, yeah, as far as I know, all of these websites use stringent standards to vet their escorts, and they are vigilant to make sure that the site users are on the up and up. So, enjoy the excellent escort service providers, guilt-free.
PornDude, how much do these guys charge for their services, cyberpimp? It depends on the escort and what you want to do. Unfortunately, a lot of these dudes keep their prices hidden on their profiles. So, you can only get the deets on what they charge to play with their dee behind a membership wall, but from what I can tell they charge reasonable rates and are pretty flexible.
My advice is to be as charming and open yet direct as possible. Also, keep in mind, most of these websites are free to join but will charge a fee for premium access. To get the best experience possible, I'd say you probably should get VIP membership. How would you become a professional male escort? First off, be very careful.
You can make loads of money, but that isn't going to mean much when you spend it all on legal expenses or trying to treat or cure some heinous sexual disease. To avoid these, particularly the first is to get onto a good platform. Since newspapers can be really risky and old platforms like Craigslist Personals have now been shut down — thank you fucking federal regulators!
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They're only interested in providing a platform to professional sex workers and helping you make money, so they aren't going to just give out personal information to government investigators. And given the chilling effect that Rent Boy's closure had these sites are even more careful to cover their digital tracks. Second, if you're going to be having sex with lots of people, you're going to need to protect yourself from disease.
While vetting your clients might help a little, it's going to be hard to verify your clients status. Not only do people lie, but most people also go months or even years between HIV and STD testing, and some have never been tested for either ever. So, take advantage of the options that you have and use condoms, dental dams, and get on PrEP.
Just be sure to make your prophylactic preferences are known by your clients, especially since a lot of other escorts might offer bareback services. Having a clean ass is going to be extremely helpful or at least not distracting when meeting with a client. After all, they may want to eat your ass as an appetizer before you serve them the big sausage. Furthermore, if you're going to top a lot or even if you're not , you might want to invest in getting a prescription of Viagra or Cialis.
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