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Let us know and we'll deal with it. We are also always on the lookout for scammers. Well it all started with a sweet message from him, and we started talking.
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We connected within hours after I completed my profile. I searched for guys in my 'age group' for men who were currently online and got farther and farther away in my search. His picture captured my curiosity, so I looked at his profile - to find we were about miles apart. We ended up chatting for several months, progressing from Cupid emails to Cupid chats, then skype. After 3 months I flew out to meet him in person. We spent one week each month together in the other's city for just over 3 years. We have been married for 6 months now and are still amazed at how happy and compatible we are.
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Thanks a lot! After a jittery start with some dubious characters, I've met someone - a very genuine woman.