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From a very happy guy in San Diego. I believe I met the man of my dreams. We have so much in common and the love we have is real. Thank you poz. I love frank and he loves me equally.
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Meet Your Love In This Gay POZ Dating!
POZ personals. POZ Personals. Tweets by pozpersonals. Couples That Clicked. The statement, released in for doctors in Switzerland, has since seen several important studies produce evidence in support of its claims—the PARTNER study being one of them, and, most recently, the CDC's letter published this past September. The more I discovered, the more confident I became in my preference. The risk of contracting isn't from those who are living with the virus and taking their medication as prescribed, it's from those who are unsure of their status.
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HIV can take weeks or months to test positive. Not knowing your status can, in theory, be no fault of your own, but attributed to the length of time it takes to test positive. And I don't know about you, but even that syphilis test came back negative three times before they were able to definitively tell me what I had. So, when can one ever be percent certain of their status?
I Prefer to Date Men Who are HIV Positive
Unless…they're already positive. But because decisions surrounding my sexual health have potential long-term, irrevocable impacts, I had to know more. Gallen, Switzerland.

His work in the late 90s and early s centred around HIV-discordant couples and their attempts to conceive. During this time, he was one of the first physicians to look at the viral load found in the semen of patients on effective ART treatment. Of all the couples he treated, none of those living with HIV and on standard ART treatment had a discernible viral load in their semen. And yet the couples were under high stress about HIV transmission.
He decided to say something—doctors needed to talk to their patients about the realities of the risks involved. The risk is so low that to tell patients they must use a condom [to prevent the contraction of HIV] without telling them that there is virtually no evidence to support this statement is unethical. He tells me that there has not been one case of someone living with HIV, on suppressive ART therapy with an undetectable viral load, passing on the virus. With my understanding of HIV deepening, I took these discoveries and bounded back into the dating scene with new found enthusiasm.
Enthusiastic because I now respected the seriousness of the virus without living in irrational fear of it.
Best HIV AIDS Positive Dating Sites Reviews
I figured, I cried on the last dick I had in front of me, it could only get better from there, right? After a lot of swiping, the basic bitch inside me was thrilled when I landed a date with a model. Everything was going off without a hitch: We were drinking, having a great time, and then we started making out.
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It was hot. Until he began crying into my mouth. I pulled away to investigate what the hell was happening. That's when he told me he was living with HIV and was scared that, despite the fun we were having, once he told me, I would get up and leave—because that's what so many others had done. While the HIV didn't put me off, the mouth crying effectively ended any sexual tension that had been building, quickly bringing our evening to an end. In the car home, as I was trying to process the mouth crying, I stumbled onto a Queerty article featuring the newest dating app to hit the scene sweet Jesus, just what we need.
The app connects wealthy older men with those looking for a sugar daddy. Never one to rule out a daddy, I kept reading. Finding this jarring, I reached out to DaddyBear for further clarification.
A spokesperson for the app solidified their stance: In another article, their CEO further confirmed this statement by saying, "No one would like to date people living with HIV unless he is living with it…many rich and successful gay sugar daddies do not want to date gay men living with HIV, which is the reason why we launched this app to meet their needs.