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- LGBT slang - Wikipedia.
- The Guysexual’s Urban Dictionary for Gay Slang;
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- 51 Gay Slang Phrases You’ve Never Heard Before | Thought Catalog.
Conversely, words such as banjee , while well-established in a subset of gay society, have never made the transition to popular use. An example of such is the term "okoge", which serves the same purpose of the English slang word, " fag hag ", namely "a woman whose friends are mostly homosexual men".
51 Gay Slang Phrases You’ve Never Heard Before
LGBT culture. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Slang used predominantly among the LGBT. Sexual orientation. Social attitudes. Prejudice , violence.
Academic fields and discourse. Queer studies Lesbian feminism Queer theory Transfeminism Lavender linguistics. Retrieved 17 January Duke University Press. The Language of Kinks and Queens: Jacana Media. Retrieved 9 April World Wide Words.

Retrieved 4 April State Archives and Library of Florida. Carryin' on in the Lesbian and Gay South. NYU Press. Huffington Post. Retrieved 24 March Columbia University Press. Retrieved 17 March Gay s Language: A Dic k tionary of Gay Slang. Banned Books. The Dictionary of Polari and Gay Slang. Archived from the original on October 6, Encyclopedia of homosexuality.
Top, bottom and versatile - Wikipedia
Volume II. Retrieved 24 February Rodgers, Bruce Straight Arrow Books. Lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender LGBT slang. Lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender LGBT topics. Academic fields Discourse. Miss Congeniality n. Mother Superior n. Nine-dollar bill n. On the make adj. See also: Over the bridge to Pimpleton n. Passion fruit n.
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Ring snatcher n. Also see: Rumpy-Rumpy n. Sappho Daddy-o n. Saturday Night Lesbian n.
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- LGBT Terminology | LGBT Resource Center | USC.
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Slacks n. Smurf n. Ursula n. Warm bruder n. Wolf n. Wrinkle room n. Yard boy n. Yestergay n. Zanie n. Zipper club n. Autostraddle has a great list of lady-centric queer phrases, some of which were included here. Check out the rest on their site. Madison Moore also has a list explaining all the best gay black slang.
I came across while writing up something new, and I had to stop and read this — and ultimately reblog.
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Reblogged this on The World Without Us. Reblogged this on Communicatism and commented: This is what I have learned today — how gay people communicated many years ago. Reblogged this on Theo Fenraven and commented: Most of the slangs come from pop culture, female adjectives and substantives, and the meaning […]. Even where food is concerned Jackies [sic] likes chicken. The only problem is when Jackie suggests, […]. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday.
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