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The double standards straight women face makes it really, truly hard to trust men.
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Mechanics aside, sex is very different between men and women. In most cases, lesbian sex seems to be a lot more intimate, egalitarian, and for lack of a better word, familiar feeling. But, then again, that could be my preference in partners speaking. After all, every body is different.
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Sometimes, even getting your girlfriend to come out and talk to you about the issue is an uphill battle in and of itself. Women tend to be way more subversive about it than men are, though. Your mileage may vary, but at the very least, I hope I may have shed some light on it all.
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We can only create knowledge that is of benefit to those being studied by looking at these drug and sex practices from a sincere, curious point of view. ScienceNordic offices: Grindr has changed sex culture among gay men October 13, - Dating apps have changed the rules of the game. Culture , Sex. Send PDF Print. Eskild Heinemeier. Some couples openly use Grindr, while others do not want to know what their partners use the app for.
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