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Gay Deutschland. Several Turkish men are sitting on the benches of a Turkish bar in Kreuzberg, impassively observing the street.
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Two gay men pass by holding hands. Suddenly the Turks are alive, shouting in a broken rhythm. That kind of scene can easily be observed in migrant neighborhoods of Berlin today.
It may be easy to assume at first that Turks are homophobic by nature, but to what extent is it true? Among the extremely heterogeneous Turkish community in Germany of different ages, origins, and citizenships, culture and religion are no more to blame for homophobia than they are in mainstream German society.
Most immigrants of Turkish descent come from poorly educated regions of Turkey and often fall through the cracks of the German education system. The disparity in education level between immigrants and natives in Germany manifests itself in the high levels of aggressive homophobic responses by poorly educated people of Turkish descent.
They shouted that he betrayed the culture of his homeland by engaging in this perverse German lifestyle. Saygili blames virulent homophobia among Turkish men on a rise of religiosity and traditionalism due in large part to feelings of socio-economic exclusion from the German mainstream.
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The stance on homophobia among Turks has become a dividing line between the major gay Turkish organizations in Germany. MILES identifies the problem of homophobia in the Turkish community as cultural and insists on discussing it openly. In contrast, GLADT considers that there is nothing ethno-specific in the homophobic acts by people of Turkish descent. In their view, ascribing special homophobic tendencies to Turkish culture is discriminative, if not outright racist.
Whatever its origins, few gay Turks would disagree that homophobia within the Turkish community requires action. MILES, in cooperation with Turkish Bund of Berlin-Brandenburg, took the first step with an awareness campaign aimed at breaking the taboo of silence among gay migrants and their home communities. Kai — a German name — is gay, and so is Murat: They are a part of us—Always. An alternative version in featured a group of young women.
The campaign has produced unequivocal responses. On the other hand, the campaign produced many positive phone calls from Turkish queers and their families asking for information and counseling. The formation of gay Turkish organizations within gay Berlin has offered gay Turks the foothold to set a new campaign into motion: A group of sixty Turkish women men were notably absent from the word-of-mouth invitation sit around for a potluck dinner of Turkish specialties for a closed meeting held by MILES.
They do not identify themselves as the sisters, mothers, or grandmothers of a Turkish gay or lesbian. The moderator addresses misconceptions of homosexuality as a disease or as a choice and the women learn what services are available to queer Turks and their families. Bali Saygili hopes that these meetings will prepare these women to discuss the topic of homosexuality and to break the taboo of silence within Turkish families.
So what do you think you are, after all?
The Rainbow Crescent: the Integration of the Gay Turkish Community in Germany
As victims of compounded discrimination and exclusion, some gay Turks like Cemil have resigned themselves that they will never be fully accepted by anyone, gay or straight, German or Turkish. Unfortunately, the straight German and, more so, the straight Turkish community have much work ahead to combat homophobia. Conversely, nearly thirty years after the start of the gay rights movement, gay Turks have finally established their own minority community within the German gay minority, despite struggles with racism and exoticization.
What lessons does the strong inclusion of gay Turks into the gay community carry for the contemporary integration debate in Germany? But in the case of gay Turks in Germany, sexuality, the utmost expression of intimacy, appears to be more of a bridge than a barrier to integration. Perhaps integration is all about intimacy; perhaps integration really starts in the bedroom. Muslime unter dem Regenbogen: Anti-Discrimination Network Berlin, June 23, United States.
Growing Up Turkish Older generations in the Turkish migrant diaspora have preserved a forty-year-old culture coming from rural Eastern Anatolia, a culture more conservative than that of both their home and their host country today. Coming Out Turkish?
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A Game of Hide and Seek Due to the profound personal and social toll of coming out in the Turkish community, the vast majority of gay Turks in Germany maintains the taboo of silence and remains in the closet. Breaking Out: The Negative and Positive of Discrimination in the Gay Community Florencio Chicote of the Anti-Discrimination Network ADN in Berlin identifies the gay Turkish community as a prime example of compounded discrimination, which cuts across different minority and majority groups. Integration and Acceptance in the Gay Community Despite the need to assuage fears of mutual misunderstanding, the gay Turks have established a permanent home in the current gay mainstream.
A Turkish Problem?