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Boyfriends of Dorothy (The Real Thing collection)
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Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other: Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Boyfriends of Dorothy by Wednesday Martin. Get A Copy. Kindle Edition , 37 pages. More Details Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews.
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Showing Rating details. Sort order. Sep 25, Stacy Croushorn rated it it was amazing. I can so relate! This is the partial story of my life! But coming back to a conservative small town has made me miss them terribly. This story about feeling more comfortable in the gay world than the straight world describes me exactly.
I cannot stand the macho goat-roper asshole who pervades our state. Jun 07, Tracy Rowan rated it really liked it. Oh boy, did I identify with this story. I was the girl with the gay boyfriends, I made all the same mistakes, and I came out of the experience with a much better sense of self than many of my friends who never hung out with gay men. Because I felt seen. I felt listened to. Straight boys never ever made me feel that way.

With them I was supposed to not be the smart one, not be the one who had something to say. The experience taught me which men were worth cultivating and which weren't, Oh boy, did I identify with this story. The experience taught me which men were worth cultivating and which weren't, and as a result I have come to know a lot of great straight men. So as I listened to Martin read her short story I found myself nodding and smiling. Oh yeah, I would think, I so get that. If you were the girl with the gay boyfriends, you'll probably love this story too. And if you weren't I don't know how you'll feel about it.
Maybe you'll feel as if you missed something IMO, you did, but that's just me. Or maybe you'll feel uneasy, as if that's not the way things ought to be. If so, that's kind of sad. Again, just in my opinion.
Brian replies:
Either way, the story is short and charming, and I think it's well worth your time and consideration. Jun 04, Bookphile rated it really liked it Shelves: I think the author is a little older than me, but I could relate to so much of what she said about coming of age in the 80s and 90s. Being a feminist myself, I found the world of romance often bewildering and frustrating before I found a husband who respects me as a whole person.
I think Martin makes a lot of excellent points here about the dynamic between gay men and straight women, and those points help illustrate patriarchy's negative effects in various aspects of culture: At heart, this is really a tale about how powerful friendships can be between men and women who are able to simply come together as human beings without pretense or judgements, be who they are, and enjoy one another for who they are.
Jun 12, Tara Brown rated it liked it. I wanted to love it. I just didn't, unfortunately. Like the first book in this series, I found it to be a bit boring and pointless, though the author does a good job as narrator. The ending was good and made me smile, but I found the rest of the book to be negative, which makes for a difficult listen. Perhaps her pessimism was meant to be humorous, but for me, it was a bit of a turn-off.
I feel bad because those who read the book found it to be very well-written and gave it a high rating based on the reviews from Amazon. Only one person who posted a review, besides myself, listened to it, and we both gave it the same rating. I like the length and the theme of the collection as a whole, but this one just didn't do it for me. I still plan to move on to Book 3 because I'm curious in hearing what the next author adds to this collection.
Thank you for reading my review. Jun 15, Audra rated it really liked it. Well, as I said he loved prancing around showing off. However I started to become concerned when as he was showing off he would be admiring himself in the mirror and then turn his back to the mirror, spread open his butt cheeks and say so proudly what a gorgeous asshole he had.
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He did this almost daily. I became concerned and thoughts started to swirl around in my head with ideas that I didn't want to believe. Not too long after that he told me about sexual encounters that he had had with a gay male neighbor when he was about My boyfriend stated that he partook in this activity quite a few times. He said that it was strictly for the money. At this point we had been together for about a year and I loved him so much that I really was mixed up about what to think but I wasn't willing to let our relationship fail because of something that happened so long ago, but his behavior was very disconcerting to me.
He also told me that whenever he had had a relationship with a woman, that the woman would support him exclusively. He didn't work. So now the word gigolo came to mind.
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I started to think about everything he had said, his previous experiences, his unusual admiration for his asshole, his inability to get an erection, living off of women and his yearly HIV testing and wondered if my partner was gay or bisexual. He has a daughter that is gay and when she told him he became very aggressive and enraged that he cut off all contact. It has been over 15 years since he saw or spoke to her. As time went on this situation of no intimacy led to many fights and my feelings became much stronger towards what I believed his sexual preferences were.
I am still very much in love with him. I don't know what to think. I can't broach the subject with him for fear of aggression towards me.