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Tie him up and tickle him? Bad feelings should not always be interpreted as deterrents.
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It is entirely your responsibility to declare any earnings. No, we are strictly a non-sexual escort agency and our clients are looking for companionship only. Our companion escorts do not offer sexual services or "extras". We have a unique booking system that allows clients to easily browse and book an evening with you. Your privacy is important to us and we have low fees , lower than our competitors.
We have thousands of women already using our service and this is consistently increasing due to our advertising endeavours across multiple search engines. If you are ready to start making money while have good clean fun by becoming a male escort then follow the Sign Up Now!
How to Become a High Class Male Escort
As soon as we have received your details we will respond with further information to help you create an appealing profile. Please do not hesitate to Contact Us if you have any other question. Went for a meal on valentines night with a lovely lady who just wanted some company for the evening.
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After a little while I became comfortable and the nerves went. The evening went well and looking forward to my next booking" Darren. Within a month I had my first booking and everything was blessed from there on" Curtis Lopez. This one seems to have brought me the most luck with the gal dem sugar" Jermaine. Dukes of Daisy was founded by Daisy Lain. After using escort agencies herself and experiencing the many satisfying benefits.
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What is required of a Male Escort? What does it take to be a Great Male Escort? How many bookings will I get? How do I get a booking? How will the booking be arranged? What should I wear for the booking? How much notice will I receive for a booking? How and how much will I get paid for each booking?
As a high-class escort you must always control your temperament, and act like a gentleman, discussing politics for example is something that will come up with many of the types of clients you will meet on the high end market, always temper these conversations lightly with a less aggressive opinion than you may actually have in order to avoid disengagement and disagreement.
You should hold a wide level of knowledge on a variety of subjects in order to be able to converse with men from all backgrounds, countries, races, cultures, age groups, professions and financial positions. The expectations placed on you will vary with the image you have created of yourself, highly sophisticated clientele for example may choose an older companion of years old to ensure that their intellectual needs will be stimulated during the encounter. There is room for deviation in all aspects when it comes to conversational skill and areas or even the desire to converse at all, with all potential clientele having different desires for different occasions, as well as the conundrum of contradictory attractions for example to younger 18 — 21 year old year old escorts in appearance and older intellectual in terms of personality.
Have professional photographs taken. Depending on your style and image you may want to include a picture in a tuxedo, a shot completely nude, and a shot with no clothes from the waist up as a minimum. Many websites that advertise your services will allow as many as a dozen shots, here on GayEscorts. Make a fair amount of your pictures professional shots. While it is very advantageous and professional to create your own individual website, you will need to be listed on escort advertisement websites where you will generate most of your business.
Sites like this one, will give you the traffic you need to your mobile phone and to your website, in most cases your own website will only be clicked through and gain attention by being listed on escort directories where the market place the clientele are searching for their perfect companion. Remember to operate this like it is a special business, as most high-class escorts will only be able to maintain high rates until their appearance reaches thirty-five to forty years of age which is a young for retirement when other professions are considered.
Your image, your brand. As discussed above when choosing your body type or working with the body type that comes most natural for you. Your name and your age is also important for the market you aim to cater towards, choosing a name and an age are important for your personal safety and protection as well as helping in the psychological detachment from your working life, these two lies are acceptable and essential in order to protect you for the rest of your life long after you have hung up your overnight bag and moved on to pursue other career opportunities and business interests.
It is possible and probable you will encounter a significant number of men who become overly infatuated and even obsessed with you, though not a common weekly basis these instances will occur and when they do you will want the safe guard that an alternative identity can provide, in terms of physical safety this really only serves you in the future and having the foresight to safeguard your real name and age will help protect you from infatuated guys being able to track you down years in to the future when you have moved in from the escort business, your age and name should also be a part of your brand and in line with your appearance.

Always remember, you are a service provider and you are also a product! You have to package that product in a way that suits your look and your appeal.
Gay Male Escorts
You are not selling your identity or your real life. Honesty and integrity come in to how you treat your clients, the quality of service you provide and the relationship you build with each client. It is not essential to be an actor although some may disagree, it is often easier to be yourself for the most part in terms of your personality and attitude, if you are able to protect your identity then this allows you to flow more easily and comfortably with every meeting and customer being for the most part, yourself, knowing that you have a safeguard in place without needing to act or hide aspects of your personality.
It is extremely important to separate your working life from the day to day, the personal, and the rest of your life, this comes easier to some than others, detachment although a negative sounding word that gets a lot of bad press, is an essential character trait for every escort male or female and gay or straight. The ability to engage with others and form longer term and short term relationships while simultaneously being independent of those relationships and disengaged from the interactions as they come to an end in a comfortable and effortless way creates a contradiction for many people, however, for escorts this should be a seamless art and a natural state of being which is the normal trait and approach to life that the escort embodies.
This skill or character trait to develop lasting and intimate relationships with clients while accepting that they can come to an end at any point without warning is essential to maintaining your well being and a healthy state of mind while working in this profession. Your comment.