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Wonky Wednesday: Racism in Gay Online Dating
Return to Book Page. Preview — Not Gay by Jane Ward. Not Gay: A straight white girl can kiss a girl, like it, and still call herself straight—her boyfriend may even encourage her. But can straight white guys experience the same easy sexual fluidity, or would kissing a guy just mean that they are really gay?
Not Gay thrusts deep into a world where straight guy-on-guy action is not a myth but a reality: For Jane Ward, these sexual practices reveal a unique social space where straight white men can—and do—have sex with other straight white men; in fact, she argues, to do so reaffirms rather than challenges their gender and racial identity. Ward illustrates that sex between straight white men allows them to leverage whiteness and masculinity to authenticate their heterosexuality in the context of sex with men.
List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people: W–Z - Wikipedia
By understanding their same-sex sexual practice as meaningless, accidental, or even necessary, straight white men can perform homosexual contact in heterosexual ways. These sex acts are not slippages into a queer way of being or expressions of a desired but unarticulated gay identity.
Instead, Ward argues, they reveal the fluidity and complexity that characterizes all human sexual desire. Daring, insightful, and brimming with wit, Not Gay is a fascinating new take on the complexities of heterosexuality in the modern era. Get A Copy. Paperback , pages. More Details Original Title. Sexual Cultures.
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Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Not Gay , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Rating details.
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Sort order. Mar 01, mark monday marked it as unread-forever Shelves: Sex Between Straight White Men. I made a loud shocked noise and almost dropped it like it was on fire. View all 56 comments. Jun 05, Alex rated it did not like it. The subversion is where the romance lies. Sex Between Straight White Men? Now that you know too much about the author, Jane Ward, she describes her lesbian sexual encounters throughout Not Gay: And, that is the crux of the problem with Not Gay: What about sexual encounters between two or more older straight white males, or between older and younger men?
Where were the discussions of straight male sexual experiences that stem from friendship and camaraderie or friendly experimentation? What about casual, anonymous masturbation in public restrooms? Unfortunately, Ward seems to have taken a cue from the puritanical zealots of the mid-twentieth century a movement Ward despises by focusing almost exclusively on the repugnant side of modern sexual encounters between straight white men.
And yes, I do mean repugnant.
However, she then attempts to dispel that narrative, suggesting that deeming such sexual occurrences as assault and rape diminish their cultural significance. They often resort to excessive binge drinking just to endure the experience, and they almost always follow up with more binge drinking and drugs.
My god. That is sexual assault. Also, because I am a man, I tend to be paired with male sexual assault victims. I cannot possibly count the number of instances where a man has brought up a hazing experience, recounting how painful it was. The fact is, 1 in 6 boys before the age of eighteen are sexually assaulted this ration is lower among some minorities. That means, potentially 1 in 6 frat pledges are approaching these hazing rituals having already been sexually assaulted as children. Plain and simple, this is re-victimization at its most basic level.
Frats are in the news all the time for sexual assaults against women. Some notable cases ended up being complete frauds. Yet, where are the inquiries when an 18 year-old unconscious male with Greek letters written across his naked body and obvious signs of trauma to his rectum, is hauled away by school EMTs at 3: The fact that many people even me might read that description and immediately begin justifying everything: Well, maybe he did it to himself? Maybe he wanted to have rough anal sex, and then he got seriously drunk afterwards and passed out? Maybe this is like the Mr.
Hands story, with the guy who had sex with a horse and ended up dying? I also want to be a clear on one other point: By the way, girls have a 1 in 4 chance of being sexually assaulted before age 18, which also raises serious re-victimization concerns. Ward claims this doublespeak is detrimental, then she proceeds to use the same logic: Confused yet? I am exceptionally confused. If they had no real choice should a sailor jump ship, and go AWOL? Ward spends a great deal of time discussing Craigslist ads posted by straight white men looking for intimacy with other straight white men.
Actually, they sound quite lovely. Imagine this: Her historical analysis of straight white male sex was fascinating, illuminating for me , and felt well balanced. Particularly, her analysis of the definitions both medical and cultural of heterosexuality and homosexuality really did change my understanding of our cultural and medical definitions of those terms today.
Ok, I need to wrap this up…. I hate that Ward references San Francisco. In my San Francisco, the majority of the LGBT community wants to be viewed as normal—specifically not how Ward wants her or her sexuality to appear. I moved to San Francisco specifically because I wanted to live someplace where my sexuality is utterly boring. Where being gay is one tiny, three-letter adjective in a long line of adjectives that barely define who I am. You work with us! You went to school with us! You go to church with us! Shut your mouth, Alex!
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I guarantee it. Worse, I believe she actually does damage through her narrow focus on fetishized instances of straight white male sex, her constant insertion of personal stories, and her improper data acquisition and sampling. Growing up, I found that adolescent boys frequently found excuses to expose their erect penises to one another, whether it was while obnoxiously lingering in the locker room while naked, peeing in the snow to write messages particularly tricky to remain erect, ah youth , spanking one another in communal showers, or down right watching porn together while jacking off, even when the scrambled TV is so scrambled you can no longer make out people or noises on TV, just your buddy next to you beating off like an Olympic rower.
They sometimes end with the war, and those friends may never take similar actions. Ward isn't interested in these types of situations; they aren't extreme enough.
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Oh, and I just have to call Ward out for this: How unaware is this person? What about: Full Review: View all 3 comments. Nov 06, Ashley rated it liked it Shelves: I picked this up on a whim after a friend reviewed it here on GR, and I saw that my library actually had a copy. It was a really interesting reading experience, and overall, I thought Ward did a nice job explaining her points, but I also felt that it was a case of her having opinions that are maybe right but not enough evidence to back any of it up.
She takes all these incidences and cultural stories and tries to work them into a theory, but the book almost entirely lacks hard scholarship or ba I picked this up on a whim after a friend reviewed it here on GR, and I saw that my library actually had a copy. She takes all these incidences and cultural stories and tries to work them into a theory, but the book almost entirely lacks hard scholarship or backing by scientific studies.
Partly, that's because the theories she's working with are brand new and there is none of that stuff to back it up, partly because I think she assumes her examples are more convincing than they actually end up being. In what I thought was the most egregious error, the book entirely lacked first person sources. She should really have made an effort to interview men who partook in the behavior she talks about so she isn't constantly impressing her own ideas on them from the outside. I've always been really interested in reading about sexuality in all its forms, especially in a more thinky way that academia provides.
There's a detachment there that appeals to me, that you can examine something so fraught from such a remove and learn something about it. Her overall thesis is one I agree with, I think, that male sexuality is constrained by culture, and that sexual desire which she posits as separate from sexual identity is much more fluid and complex than most people think.

Overall, I'd recommend this to people who are interested in sexuality, or who like reading interesting academic works, but it is pretty dense with jargon at points, and you have to know how to read it. People not practiced at reading academic works will not have an easy time reading it. View 2 comments. I don't want to appear as a sexist, and I don't actually against a lesbian woman investigating homosexual relationships between straight white men.
But I haven't got the idea the author had as her purpose here.