What to expect from dating gay
What can I expect from my first gay boyfriend?
21 Dating Struggles Gay Men Face In Their Twenties
There are a few small differences here and there, but for the most part, homosexual couples have the same ups and downs as any other couple. Maybe one day you even get engaged, have a beautiful wedding and adopt children or have a baby through the wonders of surrogacy. The gay culture has historically been anti-relationship, mainly because the rest of society rejected our relationships as valid for a long time. But the past history still lingers, and there are some sections of gay culture which flat out deny that gay men have the ability to be in intimate, monogamous, long-term relationships.
What Can I Expect From My First Gay Boyfriend?
This undercurrent can be felt throughout the rest of gay culture — in our societal subconscious if you will — and it does put a pressure on all gay relationships. But these currents do exist, and as a gay male stepping into his first relationship, you will be faced with the challenges of sustaining a relationship in the midst of jaded queens, gay dating apps, circuit parties, open relationships and an evolving political struggle over marriage equality.
Keep these challenges on the forefront of your mind, and be prepared to meet them head on should you need to. They are part of the evolution process as you and your boyfriend grow and mature in your relationship.
Be wise and grow from them. Love your boyfriend as you would want him to love you, treat each other with respect and forge a solid partnership. May you and he live happily ever after. Manny Cosme is a relationship coach for gay men and the founder of the Gay Love Project.
Contact him at the Gay Love Project website: Gay Dating. We place a lot of importance, misguidedly I feel, on not having sex on the first date.

If you feel it between you, then go for it. The Guyliner has been writing about gay dating since and is also a columnist at Gay Times Magazine.
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Here’s the good news:
Skip to content The Soulmates Blog. Author The Guyliner. Guyliner shares his top 10 gay dating tips to help you bag a great date.
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