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Here's What It's Like to Date Online As a Queer Christian

Once Compatible Partners has matched you with someone who really shares these key traits, its guided communication techniques allow the two of you to really develop a connection, while also discovering things about yourself. Once you've completed the questionnaire, you will receive your FREE Personality Profile and at that time, our matching system will begin pre-screening gay singles against your profile.

Once matched, review your matches, and choose the payment plan you prefer.

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Now you're ready to begin communication with your matches. Our Key Dimensions help predict those factors that will lead to a meaningful, long-lasting relationship. They include:. Use Compatible Partners to find gay Christian singles in your area — get started today. Now free to communicate I'm a: Seeking a: Your Country?

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How'd you hear about us? Follow us on: Our goal is to encourage people to accept their authentic selves, and to share that authenticity with others. Let us welcome you into the family. Please Note: We are just getting started and don't have very many members yet, but we have to start somewhere. Please register and help us build the community. Christian Standards apply to all usernames, email addresses, profiles, conversations and forum pages.

Here's What It's Like to Date Online As a Queer Christian

Contact Mary if you have questions that are not addressed in the FAQ's. Read more about the Christian Gays website. Christian Gays is a wonderful group to meet people and to learn. They are a very friendly welcoming group who are like one big family. All are welcome as long as they obey the rules of the website.

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I am along time member of this group and I have found it to be very helpful in my spiritual journey Bruce. I feel I was called to minister to all those others who have been hurt by groups like the one that forced me to pretend to be ex-gay when in my heart, I knew that God Created me to be gay. Christian Gays has given me a platform where I can minister to the confused, the hurting, the lonely, and more.

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As a Prayer Warrior, Christian Gays allows me to pray openly as the Holy Spirit leads me any time I feel there is a need to talk to God about any situation. Christian Gays is here to welcome you, to accept you as you are, and if you need to confess anything to God, we are here to help you feel HIS Forgiveness. I joined CG 10 years ago, because I was just joining another social site.