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If you are under 17, please go to our teen chat which includes a Gay Teen Chat Room. This room is not a gay sex chat room. It is a clean and safe environment for men and older boys.

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Discrimination towards gays and lesbians or homophobic insults will not be tolerated. This is a chatroom, not a place for vulgar tasteless chatter so chat must be clean in main at all times, the discussion of extreme sexual topics, in public, is forbidden. The posting of phone numbers, emails, instant messaging IDs or advertising websites and links to other sites is not permitted.

Never give out personal contact information to anyone. Any suspicious activities relating to the exploitation of other users, please report it to a mod or the room admin immediately.

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Do not flood the chat room or disrupt other users in any way. You will be banned if you do. Nicknames must be clean and not offend common decency. Do not use names that may indicate that you are either very young or your intentions are of a predatory nature. Nudity, lewd acts, the streaming of pornography or other offensive materials are strictly forbidden. You will be banned.

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Terms and conditions for using this website. General terms and conditions:. General These General Terms and Conditions are applicable when visiting and using this Website and are also applicable to the other services that we offer. Article 1: Definitions 1. Article 2: General Terms and Conditions and Scope 2. Article 3: Website set up This Website has been set up by Shoshoro N. Article 4: Registration 4.

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