Older for younger gay dating websites
Who knows, one of your new friendships may grow into lasting happiness. To maximise your chances of finding success, we've enhanced the member area of Gay2December to include members with all interests and characteristics. You can still use our search settings to find exactly who you're looking for. Try our sister site Bois2Men for hook ups and naughty fun! Member Login. Online dating dedicated to younger older gay relationships. Life has its seasons and each season has its unique attractions. It's a little annoying to me, but anyway it happens so you might as well try. Look OP, find someone your own age.
If you plan to visit the daddy sites that are recommended here, you'd better beef up your bank account. Because younger guys looking for older men are looking for someone to take care of them. Or, in the short term, buy them things and take them on trips. They don't want to date guys their own age because, in the words of a friend of mine, they don't want to just "sit home every night, watch tv and fuck". They want a daddy to pay for them to go out.
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If you're smart you'll get over your crisis and look for guys your own age. Otherwise expect to get used. I'm 85 and will only date yr. I find that having them over for a nice oatmeal dinner is lure enough. I'm 35, when I was in my 20s I couldn't get a date at all. Not even so much as a glance from a people in a room. It gave me a real complex and induced a crippling shyness in me. Now I get hit on all the time by guys and girls in the 20s. I can't believe. A few times I've had girls take pictures of me on their phones while just walking down the street.
It's crazy. I don't get what happened in the space of 3 years. I'm still really shy so I never let it go to my head or take it seriously. R11, Silverdaddies. Oh give it a rest, R Sounds like you're making your own excuses. It's so boring when people generalise about everyone else. The flip side of your story is that nobody wants you. Yes, there must be something wrong with everybody else, not you. I don't think the daddy thing is all that rare.
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I dated a younger guy who definitely felt that way. We worked together so I certainly wasn't giving him money--we made about the same.

Though there weren't that many years difference between us, it sort of bothered me. Maybe because he was sort of immature which made me feel even older. We talked about the age difference once and he said he thought it was hot. And he went on to say it would be even hotter if I were in my 30s or 40s!!?? I'm 30 years old and have been seeing a 44 year old guy for about 10 months. I have to say that it's been really great.
I know there are guys my age who prefer older men, and not necessarily just for money. The problem, though, is that such guys are often shy - practically homebodies - so they're hard to find. In my opinion, what's attractive in a guy in his 40s or older is that he's more likely to have his shit together, personally and professionally. The guy I've been seeing is financially secure relatively well-off, but certainly not rich. He's led a pretty full life and has experienced a lot, which means he has good stories to tell and helpful advice to give. He also has many equally interesting friends. The fact that he's been to just about every bar and restaurant in the city means he is now perfectly content spending a quiet evening at home, which suits me just fine.
I feel very fortunate because I've found someone who's mature, responsible, dependable, and considerate. I, and others my age who are like me, find those qualities very attractive, and an older man is likelier to possess them. I'm 44, but look 34, thanks to very good genetics and a healthy lifestyle, and I attract mostly guys in their mid 20s looking for someone a little older.
When I finally tell them the truth--that I'm old enough to be their father--they don't really care. They see me as a slightly older contemporary, as one of their peers. So what you are saying you only have ten years left to live beacuse you are so shallow that you think if you look 45 - Its not worth living?
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You better get a handle on your old age now or you are in for a shock. Wake Up and stop looking at the Mirror! Oh, dear - another eldergay trying to convince themselves they look 10 years younger than they are. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that one It's actually true.
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I've gotten enough gasps and "no way, bitch! I'm not delusional enough to think I look early-mid 20s, but I can pass for a good 10 years younger. I've always looked a lot younger than I am.
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Guys in their 20s and 30s see me as one of their contempories. It's a great thing not to look your age in the gay world, and I'm going to milk my great genetics as long as I can. I'm I have a full time job, and I have my own small business on the side.
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I work out days a week to stay in decent shape. On weekends, I do work around the house, laundry, food shopping, errands, gardening, etc. Who has the time or energy to go out? At this point in my life, getting a good night's sleep alone is paramount. This reminds me of my friend Chris. He's 51, smart and mostly friendly, but also out-of-shape and with shaky finances big overspender. His favorite topic is whining about how lonely he is. I've known him 16 years, and in all that time have not known him to go out on a single date. I can't even say for sure he's ever hooked up or had sex of any kind since I've known him.
I don't think he's a virgin, but it wouldn't be shocking to find out he is he says he is not. Anyway, this thread reminds me of him because he says he is only attracted to guys in their 20s! That's who he wants a relationship with! Worse, I think he likes year olds who look He's turned down dates, just plain old casual dates, from perfectly reasonable guys who would be age appropriate. Nice guy, and a good friend, but whenever we get to this topic and he falls into his self-pity routine I want to strangle him.
It's really unusual for males to like younger partners male or female. You never hear of men dumping someone for a younger version, or of ugly old rich men getting young handome men or women. I'm 60 and as I posted a while ago, my boyfriend is We have a great time together. People keep saying, but what will you do in 15 years when you're 75 and he's I'm with you r46, II have the same kind of genetics and healthy lifestyle that keep me looking at least 10 years younger Don't worry about the jealous haters like r48 just enjoy it like I do. And yes, I can relate to being considered a slightly older contemporary to younger guys.
I used to be very hesitant about revealing my age, because the shocked reactions made me feel a little self-conscious. Now I'm just used to them and laugh them off. Like you, r56, being young just runs in my family. Sister is 40 and can easily pass for Could care less if anyone else believes me. No r20, they are just into younger - not older. Be honest. Unless they are looking for a wallet, they turn their noses up at older men. Ah, yes. There are many who fall into this category.
I have a friend who is now in his late 50s. I haven't really spoken to him for a number of years, but when he was in his 40s he was always pining away for some gorgeous, handsome, hot guy in his 20s.