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I am proof. Myers also seemed to allege to the newspaper that someone could have snuck into his hotel room while he was sleeping to take the picture, implying the photo may not be photoshopped after all. Myers was absent from most of the town council meetings after the story broke, but during a rare appearance at the Nov.
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How about Elliott Spitzer, Bill Clinton, John Edwards, and a multitude of other Democrats who sleaze around str8 or gay; will they continue to be given a pass by the gay and other media? Politics Local D. December 6, at 3: Phil Reese. Rick Mangus December 16, at 8: Buttigieg on Pence: Kaine introduces bill to protect LGBT kids from child abuse. This has led to unproven charges that Talon News was created specifically to give Gannon a news organization that he could ostensibly represent, to justify his continuing to work at the White House.
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By the middle of February , the Talon News website had shut down indefinitely, according to the message on that site; since May , [12] the Talon News site has been a parody , and its pages link to The Firesign Theatre 's site. The controversy over Gannon's background started after President George W. Bush 's January 26, , press conference, at which Gannon asked the president the following question:. Senate Democratic leaders have painted a very bleak picture of the U.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid was talking about soup lines. And Senator Hillary Clinton was talking about the economy being on the verge of collapse. Yet in the same breath they say that Social Security is rock solid and there's no crisis there. How are you going to work — you've said you are going to reach out to these people — how are you going to work with people who seem to have divorced themselves from reality? Gannon's question was ridiculed on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart enquiring, "Who is this muckraking Jeff Gannon, who is holding the president's feet to the fire so that he can more easily give him a reach-around?
The question also contained a factually inaccurate assertion: After the January 26, , press conference, scrutiny into his personal and professional background by news organizations and blogs began. According to Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post:. Jeff Gannon, Gannon said that he has been stalked [15] and that his family has been harassed.
Gannon is alleged to have registered several Internet domain names , including hotmilitarystud. According to The Independent:. Bloggers revealed that Jeff Gannon When these ads became public, Gannon refused to specifically address them, but admitted that he had made mistakes in his past.
During the election , he wrote that John Kerry "might someday be known as 'the first gay president'" and that Kerry had supported "the pro-gay agenda. Cliff Kincaid, editor of the conservative organization Accuracy in Media , wrote that " t he campaign against Gannon demonstrates the paranoid mentality and mean-spirited nature of the political left.
Gannon was questioned by the Justice Department in relation to the department's criminal investigation into the Valerie Plame affair, in which Plame's identity as an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency CIA was leaked to a journalist by an administration official.
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Wilson , [19] [20] [21] Plame's husband, whom the CIA had sent to Niger in to investigate claims that Iraq was attempting to procure yellowcake uranium. In the interview, Gannon asked Wilson about an "internal government memo prepared by U. In a February interview, Gannon told CNN 's Wolf Blitzer that the Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI had spoken to him in an effort to learn who had leaked the classified memo and to whom, but that he had not been asked to appear before the grand jury investigating the case.
Gannon said he had learned about its existence after it had been mentioned in a story published in the Wall Street Journal. Supporters of Daschle claimed he acted as a de facto member of the Thune campaign while ostensibly a journalist. His articles included criticism of gay blogger John Aravosis , who had accused him of having pornographic ads.
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Blade editor Chris Crain attracted his own criticism from many in the gay community for this decision, due to Gannon's criticism of the gay rights movement as well as his refusal to disclose his sexual orientation. He has said, "My personal life is a private matter, despite the fact that I have become a public person. The House Judiciary Committee voted against House resolution , on March 16, , that would have directed the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security to transmit documents in the possession of officials to the House of Representatives. These documents related to the security investigations and background checks involved in granting Gannon access to the White House.
The documents were to be transmitted no later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of the resolution. During the Committee meeting, Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee claimed that Gannon had engaged in "a penetration of the White House, maybe a security breach , and I do not believe it can be answered with self-investigation. Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner said that a letter from the Secret Service dated March 7, , stated, "Please be advised that our Office of Protective Operations has looked into this matter and has determined that there was no deviation from Secret Service standards and procedures as your letter suggests.
Gannon later wrote in his blog, "I hope this vote will put these issues to rest and allow me to return to my work as a journalist. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jeff Gannon.
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