Dating gay bulgarian guys
Due to the fact that the march is severely guarded, nationalists now go to anti-gay pride marches, legally organized by five nationalist parties in the country. One of these parties, Ataka, currently has representation in Bulgarian parliament. The law on protection against discrimination was amended in and to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and identity.
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The criminal code, however, does not include punishment for violence based on sexual orientation or identity. The year was Deystvie organization shares how a lesbian who tells her colleagues how she has been on a holiday with her girlfriend might get hassled at work or even fired. More than half of them would not let their child to go to a school where there is a homosexual teacher. Homosexuality used to be considered a disease in the 80s in Bulgaria. Half of those who hate gays and lesbians think homosexuality is a condition that should be cured.
However, more than 35 years of scientific research proves that homosexuality is not a disease, it is not a mental or emotional problem.
Surface and Reality
But lesbians making love look beautiful! There is nothing wrong in fantasizing about having sex with lesbians. Lesbians and bisexual women also have personalities, jobs and hobbies. The word friends should be put in quotes here.
7 uncomfortable truths about being LGBT in Bulgaria
And I have no problem accepting or being friends with homosexuals, bisexuals and even transsexuals. To me, they make the world a more colorful and interesting place. Why do some of us still insist to live in grayness? Wherever you go. About Advertise with us.
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7 uncomfortable truths about being LGBT in Bulgaria
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