How to flirt with a gay guy
These are only some of the categories LGBTQ members use to refer to some gay men and as stated people are complicated creatures and can never fit into one category. However, by understanding some of the types you can get a feel for a situation and alter your flirting strategy accordingly. I would recommend always being yourself and acting with dignity as doing this will attract the right kind of guys.
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Types of Gay Guys
Now, please tell whom are you interested in meeting here, a man or a woman? I am looking for a woman I am looking for a man. I am looking for a man. Let's move to the next question to help you find the best matches. Please enter your date of birth here. Such a wonderful age! Just a few more steps before you finish registration.
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Gay Flirting Guide: 26 Ways to Master a Lost Art
Follow up with him. You don't have to ask every guy you talk to for his number. But, if you've gone through the trouble of approaching a guy and you end up getting his number, follow up with him. Invite him out for that coffee, or let him know you'll be going out with your friends. He may want to join. It's possible that he won't respond to you.
If he does, maybe you'll find that the two of you don't have much in common, or the attraction isn't there anymore. Either way, be respectful. Gay men are men who only like men. Bisexual men are men who like both men and women. Yes No. Not Helpful 12 Helpful His size doesn't matter. Small guys can be just as great.
If you want to know, though, try asking. You can't always tell that a guy is gay just by the way he acts. If you want to attempt to figure out without asking, try seeing if he romanticizes men or flirts with them. If you don't see things like this happen, find a way to ask him. Just don't come off as rude. Not Helpful 1 Helpful Ask him if he'd like to come to your house or apartment to play cards or a board game to pass the time some day or night!
Maybe you both could play a game on your computer, if you have such software. You could watch a DVD, video or other activity instead of a game too.
Gay Flirting Guide: 26 Ways to Master a Lost Art
Once he's in your own home environment, you'll both feel more comfortable and you can let the seduction begin. You can read How to Seduce Your Friend for ideas on the next steps to take.
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Not Helpful 27 Helpful I know a man who is married, but I feel he is interested in me. How do I know for sure?

I know it's flattering and exciting, but it's not a good idea to get involved with a married man. If he is truly interested in you and no longer interested in his wife, he'll get a divorced. Keep your relationship strictly platonic, and explore other dating options.
Flirting Tips for Gay Teens
Not Helpful 9 Helpful Not really. Every person is different. Some people are over the top, and some people are chill. Not Helpful 15 Helpful There is a boy in my class who is a good friend, but he wants to be more than that. What should I do? Do what feels right to you. If you're not bi or gay, just tell him. If you are, then think about how you feel for him.
If you don't like him romantically, you can just tell him. If you aren't sure, just tell him that you need to think about it. You don't need to rush figuring it out. Take your time. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 5. Maybe talk to him about something that would turn you on, but if it's your first move, then don't get too crazy with what you want to say. Start slowly and follow his reactions.
How to Flirt
Not Helpful 13 Helpful This guy that works with me stares at me, and last week he was parked across the street from my house. Do you think he is gay? Ask him. Let him you are not interested. If the behavior continues, call the cops. Not Helpful 19 Helpful Not Helpful 70 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips No matter what you do, be yourself.
Don't try to be something you're not and don't try too hard to impress someone.