What to expect with your first gay escort
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A bit of advice about what you can expect before we meet our first time together, if you will. These are questions that others have fretted about and might be keeping you from reaching out already. What about rejection? What about money? And Hygiene? Is there going to be sex? Here are your answers I did get the responses I wanted but also received an email from a guy offering to pay me 60 bucks if I slept next to him in bed and cuddled. No sex.
I declined but I never forgot that. Years later I had moved from Hawaii to my current city, lost my job and needed a way to pay the bills.
So I posted an ad asking if any gay men wanted to cuddle with a cute straight boy for money. It worked but was very inconsistent. So I decided to offer more. First just massages and so on. Started offering the whole enchilada for women and some service for men. I knew there was money to be made and I found out on my own the best way to go about it. I charge for a full hour. For women I usually ask them what they want me to do and go from there.
A Male Prostitute Answers 19 Questions About His Job
I really do like what I do. It was very weird and crazy at first but I have had a lot of fun, met tons of great people and made some decent money. I started doing it out of necessity and just ended up sticking with it. My women clients are all very similar. Not what most would call attractive. Usually ages from 30 to 45 with very few outside that age range. They are usually larger women and some of them have definitely been a bit slow. Not retarded or anything but just a little dimmer then the average person. Nearly all are inexperienced. There have been a few that fall outside all those traits but it really is a rare occurrence.
But in the moment I find it pretty easy to fantasize about other women or experiences.
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Either by closing my eyes or just letting my eyes slide out of focus and start picturing a more attractive woman. What works really well for me is thinking really hard about some of my favorite sexual encounters and my best orgasms. Any condom should keep you in the game long enough.
There are quite a lot of couples out there who are looking for something new to spice up their bedroom life. I honestly love when couples contact me. A lot of my clients are in totally sexless relationships and I always wonder if the fire could get hot again if only they talked about some new sexual experiences and acted on them. I work on my own. I just feel like there are more important things to do in the city then tracking down one male pro.
As far as sketchy clients go I always read the messages beforehand carefully to weed out the weird sounding people. If the words someone is using give you a bad feeling then skip it. The kind of woman I attract requires me to research and plan our encounter from start to finish with room for the unexpected. I try to limit my bookings to one per week due to the commitments I have because of my main business. Yes, she was one of the first people I told.
My bookings tend to be between 4 to 6 hours. Occasionally they're 24 hours, which is my preference because I get the opportunity to create a real fantasy for her. Last week, after an intense session with a client, we ordered room service and then decided to go for a late night drive through central London.
It was completely unplanned but she loved it despite being half scared to death as we raced down Park Lane. Then when we got back she got into bed, I lay between her legs on my side, my arm around her waist and slowly licked her clit until she was close to orgasm.
- "One time, a client tied the condom in a knot so he could take my come home."!
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Then she pulled me inside her. After that I massaged her and we fell asleep. I'll give an example: We started with a very honest and open conversation on the phone discussing why she contacted me and what she hoped to gain from our time together. We've often exchanged messages since then. The script I created is tailored specifically to her taste.

Imagine calling up a female escort and asking her off the bat how tight her vagina is. Kissing is definitely allowed if we have agreed to spend time together. I read the situation. Often the woman will instigate if you create the right atmosphere. Maybe me stroking her neck whilst discussing how she likes to orgasm around the dinner table might have something to do with it