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Caregiving and Social Support for Gay and Bisexual Men with Prostate Cancer
The provision of support by parents, siblings and friends contrasted with the existing literature of social support for men with prostate cancer. Much of the qualitative studies of support for men with prostate cancer focus on spouses, the vast majority of whom are wives. In contrast to the dominant literature, only one mentioned adult children. GBMPCa reported feeling free to talk about the sexual and continence challenges with their friends in a way they reported not sharing with family.
Additional support resources tailored for and directed to GBMPCa seem highly relevant and in high demand. In particular for this analysis, the expressed wish for or use of support groups ideally in person for other gay men with prostate cancer was noted. Clinicians should take into account the more varied support network GBMPCa may have, specifically the central role of friends and other family.
An avenue for future research would be to test how social support is associated with differences in PCa outcomes between GBMPCa and other men. Or it goes unmet. Additional qualitative and quantitative research is needed on prostate cancer in gay and bisexual men. Such research needs to conceptualize social support networks broadly and inclusively, and should focus on the relationship between social support and patient outcomes. This study was conducted with funding from the National Cancer Institute grant number: CA; PI: National Center for Biotechnology Information , U.
Author manuscript; available in PMC Nov 1. Benjamin D. William G. Simon Rosser. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Corresponding Author: Copyright notice. See other articles in PMC that cite the published article. Abstract Objective Prostate cancer, the second most common cancer among men, typically onsets in middle or older age.
Methods This study used qualitative data from in-depth, semi-structured, one-on-one telephone interviews with 30 GBMPCa recruited from a national cancer support group network, Malecare.

Results GBMPCa reported help from friends, family parents, siblings , ex-partners, and paid caregivers. Conclusions GBMPCa received variable, but generally low, social support during diagnosis and treatment and from a diverse social network, including a prominence of friends and family. Background Prostate cancer PCa is the second most common cancer among men,[ 1 ] and, like other cancers, typically requires extensive social support. Methods This study used a qualitative design—specifically, one-on-one telephone interviews—and was oriented by a thematic analysis[ 26 ] The study was approved by the University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board S Open in a separate window.
Data Collection After a series of demographic questions collected by online survey, the semi-structured interviews covered several domains along the timeline of diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. Data Analysis Data analysis was informed by thematic analysis approaches[ 26 ]. Social support across the treatment timeline Unmet needs A number of men who did not have access to a gay support group, locally, reported wanting it.
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- Caregiving and Social Support for Gay and Bisexual Men with Prostate Cancer;
Social Network for Support Before Treatment Help from others in their social networks ranged from very involved to uninvolved. Social Support During Treatment Instrumental support During treatment, men undertaking radiation and other treatments reported little instrumental support and less than to men with surgery. Support Network for Instrumental Support Most of the partnered men who had surgery got instrumental caregiving from their partners. Emotional support Emotional support represented the next most common component of social support during treatment.
Strengths and Weaknesses Although our goal was not to sample stratified by race or sexual orientation, we caution saturation was not reached across race or sexual orientation and have not made explicit comparisons of differences in by these factors. Acknowledgments Sponsors: References 1.
Cancer statistics, A Cancer Journal for Clinicians.
Paterson C, et al. What is the mechanism effect that links social support to coping and psychological outcome within individuals affected by prostate cancer? Real time data collection using mobile technology. Eur J Oncol Nurs. Exploring the relationship between coping, social support and health-related quality of life for prostate cancer survivors: Benedict C, et al.
Positive and negative mood in men with advanced prostate cancer undergoing androgen deprivation therapy: Colloca G, Colloca P. J Cancer Educ. Blank TO. Gay men and prostate cancer: J Clin Oncol. Quinn GP, et al. The effects of attachment and outness on illness adjustment among gay men with prostate cancer.
Compton DLR. The Family and Gay Men and Lesbians. Baumle AK, editor. International Handbook on the Demography of Sexuality. Springer; New York: Feinberg L, et al. Insight on the Issues. Valuing the Invaluable: NAC , N. Caregiving in the US, Patterson CJ. Family Relationships of Lesbians and Gay Men. Journal of Marriage and Family. Oswald RF. Resilience within the family networks of lesbians and gay men: Intentionality and redefinition. Jan M, et al. The roles of stress and social support in prostate cancer mortality. Scand J Urol. Kroenke CH, et al.
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Social networks, social support, and survival after breast cancer diagnosis. Measuring social support: Prostate Cancer Canada also has a very detailed and well-cited page about the effects of gender-confirming surgery and transitional hormones on prostate cancer risk, screening, and diagnosis for trans women. It can be emotionally difficult to have a male-associated cancer as someone who does not identify as male, especially since most prostate cancer support groups and resources are targeted at men.
Consider building a support network of friends, family, or counselors with whom you feel comfortable discussing your prostate cancer diagnosis. Malecare can also connect you with social workers who can help you. Additionally, Prostate Cancer UK is trialing an online support group for trans women, and you can find more information here. Although the ZERO website uses male terms and pronouns, they are not meant to exclude transgender women or gender-nonconforming individuals.
Restore: Improving Sexual Outcomes of Gay and Bisexual Prostate Cancer Survivors
If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, take a look at the rest of our Learn section to gather more information about the disease. Having a doctor with whom you can be open about your sexual orientation or gender identity is important. Because prostate cancer can affect gay men and transgender women differently than cisgender or straight men, being out to your doctor can help you get the best possible treatment. Webinars and Videos.
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle. Questions for Your Doctor. Prostate Cancer News. Find articles by Gunna Kilian. Find articles by Nidhi Kohli. Badrinath R. Find articles by Badrinath R.
Find articles by Darryl Mitteldorf. Find articles by William West. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Corresponding author. Address correspondence to: Copyright , Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Abstract Purpose: Key words: Results The literature on prostate cancer in GBM is sparse.
The epidemiology of prostate cancer in GBM Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men in the United States, with 2,, US men living with prostate cancer in Quantitative studies We could find only four published studies 4 , 10 , 15 , 18 and one unpublished quantitative study of prostate cancer in GBM. Stigma The sexual effects of prostate cancer carry a stigma leading some GBM to conclude they are sexually undesirable or less than other GBM.
Mental health and quality of life Prostate cancer and its treatment have significant effects on mental health, specifically anxiety and depression, 17 , 87 as well as quality of life. Identity challenges In a qualitative study of 14 heterosexual men and 4 homosexual men, prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction were identified as major threats to masculine identity.
Social support Compared to heterosexuals, GBM experience less familial 43 , 44 , 77 , 80 , 81 and social support. Sexual rehabilitation treatment in GBM We could find no studies assessing the effects of sexual rehabilitation treatment on GBM, so we briefly summarize the literature on treatment effectiveness in predominantly heterosexual men. Conclusion GBM appear to be screened for prostate cancer less than other men, diagnosed with prostate cancer at about the same rate, but have poorer sexual function and quality-of-life outcomes.
Author Disclosure Statement No competing financial interests exist. References 1. Institute of Medicine: Building a Foundation for Better Understanding. Available at www.