Clean gay sex
That's like draining a whole pool just to get a few leaves out when you could be using a skimmer instead. Though it's possible for a dick to enter the sigmoid colon depending on one's individual anatomy, it's not common. The doctors added that over-the-counter enemas weren't intended to be used on a regular basis, either. Goldstein said. The chemical in there creates irritation. It brings water into the movement so you can poop away, but it causes the cells [of the rectum] to get irritated.
It creates tons of mucus and tons of dryness in the area. Goldstone points out that douching too often can lead to other, long-lasting problems, too. You can lengthen your colon, and that can lead to constipation later in life," he said. Yep, your worst fears are true: Goldstone said symptoms of that damage aren't often evident until it's too late. What should you do instead?
17 Tips for Happier, Healthier Bottoming
Well, probably nothing. Both doctors recommended a simple shower before bottoming, using plain water to clean the butthole and a little bit inside, too. If that's not sufficient, there's probably something wrong with your diet. Try adding fiber for bulkier stools, which can be found in leafy green vegetables and other fiber-rich foods. If you don't like waiting in line at Sweetgreen , you can always try fiber supplements like Metamucil.
There's even a supplement that explicitly targets the gay market: Pure for Men , which is made with the same psyllium husk, flaxseed and chia found in other over-the-counter fiber products, presumably manufactured extra… homosexually. Goldstein noted that every booty is different, so you'll need to experiment to find the timing and dosage of fiber to ensure maximum cleanliness for you. For those who still insist on doing something— anything —up there before sex, Dr. Goldstein said it's best to douche using plain water and just a tiny bit of pressure from an enema bulb. But buyer beware. Remember, you only need to clean a few inches, not your entire gut.
Both doctors said that any butt should be ready to rumble with a moment's notice. If you don't believe that, try sticking a dildo or buttplug in there and pulling it out. If there's no brown stuff on it, then you're fine.
If there is, think about refining your diet or using supplements. What does all our anxiety about douching say about gay culture? That we need to chill out without turning to poppers. The gay community sets notoriously unrealistic expectations for itself on everything from ideal body type to the "value" of masculinity ; expecting absolute cleanliness in sex is much the same.
After all, if you keep going down that rabbit hole, eventually you're going to meet the rabbit, and there's nothing really wrong with that. Or, as Dr. Goldstone said, "No matter what you do, it's always going to be an asshole. If you choose this option, be very careful.
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It is also very easy to have the water too hot, which can burn your insides. Anal douche bulb: These have a reusable rubber bulb that you can fill up with your home made normal saline. They are convenient but many of them have a hard plastic nozzle.
- Anal douching safety tips.
- How to Be a Better Bottom.
- Gay Guys: You're Douching Wrong.
Use lubricant on the nozzle for safer insertion. Baby mucous sucker: This may sound strange but some guys use a baby mucous sucker to douche. They are similar to the anal douche bulb but they actually are a bit better because the tip of the nozzle is softer and more flexible than that of an anal douche bulb. There are two rings of muscles in your butt. The external muscles you can control and relax on your own, but the internal sphincter only loosens up if it senses pressure.
So take a finger, lube it up, and loosen up your butt before you try to push anything up there. While you have that lube out for your finger, be sure to lube up the nozzle of whatever you are putting up your butt. The anal douche and shower shot are generally hard nozzles that can easily cause tearing if you are not careful. And remember that unlike your ex, the shower shot can do a good job without going in. Pushing a stiff nozzle into your rectum without lube can cause ripping and tearing.
Not only will that be painful, it can increase your risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. If you irritate the lining of your mucosal membranes in your colon, white blood cells the kind of immune cells that HIV preferentially infects congregate in the area to help repair your body.
How to Clean Your Ass Before Anal Sex - Album on Imgur
So if you are exposed to HIV there i. The amount of water than an enema bulb can hold is sufficient. Putting yourself in the right position can make it easier to insert the nozzle. Stand in front of the toilet and put your dominate leg up on the toilet. After loosening up your butt with a lube finger like a good top, slowly insert the lubed douche nozzle.
Squeeze the bulb to slowly squirt in the liquid.
A Word of Warning From Writer Alexander Cheves
Pull out the nozzle. Even if you douche with the right water, the right temperature, and the right equipment, you can damage the lining in your butt that can put you at higher risk for getting an infection from your partner. There is no magic number of times that makes douching unsafe. But if you can, limit yourself to once a day and only days per week. Allow some time for all the water you squirted inside yourself to come back out and stay close to a toilet while you wait.
Use this time to clean up your place, take your PrEP or your HIV meds, or get your lube and condoms if they are part of your sexual health plan. Other bulking agents like fiber supplements are OK to take. If you have loose stools or diarrhea, fiber supplements can help. It happens! I never used to need to douche for anal sex.
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- 17 Tips for Happier, Healthier Bottoming.
- A Doctor's Guide to Preparing for Bottoming: Enjoying Anal Sex and Staying Safe.
Somehow, I always seemed to be pretty clean up there.