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The industry is littered with suicides and overdoses. The three you give, are not actually in the highest ranking professions with addiction. This is published fact. Get them right:. So yes, it is a difficult.
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The industry is not friendly to recovery. Does Billy have a second career that he could fall back on if he has to step away from adult entertainment?
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I think Samuel Colt, too. When they finally stepped away they were able to pull it together. His recovery would be much easier if he worked for Titan. And I mean that as a non-insider piece of sh-t. They also escort, dance, strip, make club appearances, etc. It may be possible for Billy Santoro to remain in the sex industry, but there has to be a very good reason why. He should do everything he can to take care of himself first, even if that means leaving.
Those who appreciate his work should be able to understand and support that. The gay porn industry is very supportive and often the main family most of us have.
We watch out for each other and support each other through the ups and downs. What we are simply pointing out is that recovery from lifelong addiction is a very very tough path and that it is all the more difficult if your work requires you to be almost all the time surrounded by people consuming alcohol and in places serving, smelling, advertising alcohol.
It takes a lot of willpower to overcome addiction. Being in that environment makes it even more complicated, at least in those difficult first months where you have to completely rebuild the way you lead your life and learn to resist the temptation — the same reason some people refuse to have alcohol in the house once they go sober. I am not sure insisting BS will be fine without any consideration for the way his recovery is going to go is the best way to help him.
He might — in the long run.
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But at the very least it is going to make all the harder right now and some comments are simply pointing out to him that he should think about other options so that his sobriety and saving his relationship be his 1 priority. Being falsely cheery about how difficult it is going to be is not helping him. You had some good points until you dissed me for being optimistic about his recovery. Sorry, its not my style to be as negative and dreary as you. I am not dissing you for being optimistic.
I am dissing you for setting false expectations for him on how easy it will be. Love and friendship and puppies are unfortunately not all it takes. Sometimes being a good friend does require facing the cold hard reality instead of enabling false hopes. I have seen many addicts feel ashamed that they are still tempted to use in spite of the support of the loved ones and this shame is often a cause to relapse.
Ask one of the hundreds of ex-porn performers, in recovery, if they could have returned. They uniformly say no. There is something to be said about attraction diminishing, with social media being a factor, when all these muscle queens start to sound like 14 year old middle school girls. Billy, get into an AA Recovery Program. There are hundreds of thousand of people who have overcome addiction through Twelve Step Programs.
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He has to make sure they can accommodate his issues. Honestly, the decision to take a sponsor is an incredibly personal one. Some do benefit from an opposite-sex sponsor, while others benefit from a same-sex one. There are also plenty of gay step meetings in major cities for those who think it makes a difference. There are even meetings for Seth if he has a need to understand and support Billy. Seth has his own problems to focus on as a partner of a addict and survivor of domestic abuse.
He should be in separate treatment to decide if he should even be in a relationship with Billy. They should put the relationship on pause until the underlying issues between them are resolved. The alcoholic and those around him all need help to recover and move on, together or apart. Addiction manifests in multiple ways. He will have to own up to it in his own time as well. Addiction counselors point them out in recovery. His pornographic work sex work puts him in a high risk category.
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That is a fact in numerous studies. HE needs to be in a situation without people enabling his behaviors or permit him to act out sexually as well. His patterns of behaviors are the problem — not the substance itself. And yes, it is important to note that addicts sexually act out in numerous ways. Any person who ends up in recovery has a period of adjustment: Mea Culpa! Glad to hear he is already in AA. If approved you will receive a password in your email. Gold Membership is special membership plan that appear before the Basic profiles in all searches and is featured on RentMen's home page.
Sponsor Escorts get Prime Visibility! BillySantoroXXX has not verified his photos yet. Please note that we don't verify each and every photo separately and we can't give any guarantees.
Adult Entertainer- Billy Santoro
In case you have information about fake or stolen photos, please contact us so we can request a Photo Verification from this user. ID Verification is a process where the Escort provide us with a copy of his ID card so we can verify the identity and the authenticity of his profile.
The verification doesn't guarantee that the person on the profile photos is the same in person. I never answer my phone or respond to voice messages, I am simply just too busy. I do have a great core of regular clients. I build relationships with my clients which leads to some amazing encounters.

I am never available without advanced notice. Have a great day guys, xoxo Billy. Dear Rent. Last on: Contact Me. Note from Billy Santoro: When did they allow us to post vids? Was I sleeping or busy fucking? Your email address will not be published. BelAmi Special Sale. Gay Porn Stars Spotlight Thanks to the latest feature on Twitter that allows users to upload video clips directly to Twitter.