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Don't know and start looking like heroin or to , Good thing for kids,. Usually read this in various other health guide you to flareups. Psoriasis can also develop on the penis, which could contribute to pain and discomfort during sex, in addition to body image issues, said Dr Alejandro Molina-Leyva, a dermatologist at Complejo Hospitalario Torrecardenas, in Spain. Scientists revealed 53 per cent of men with psoriasis - an autoimmune condition that causes red, itchy patches to appear on the skin - suffer from erectile dysfunction, as compared to 40 per cent of 'healthy' men.
Dr Molina-Levya, who wasn't involved in the study, told Reuters: The study, from Guangdong Provincial Dermatology Hospital, in Guangzhou, China, found that men with psoriasis were also more likely to report severe erectile dysfunction. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes raised, red, scaly patches to appear on the skin. It typically affects the outside of the elbows, knees or scalp, though it can appear on any location.
Some people report that psoriasis is itchy, burns and stings. Scientists are not yet sure what exactly causes psoriasis. The disease usually develops between the ages of 15 and 35 - but it can pop up at any time.
Nearly 15 per cent of those with psoriasis develop the disease before age Typically, something triggers psoriasis to flare. The skin cells in people with psoriasis grow at an 'abnormally fast rate,' which causes a buildup of psoriasis lesions. Men and women develop the disease at equal rates - but it affects different races at varying rates.
Symptoms of scalp psoriasis
Nearly 3. National Psoriasis Foundation. In contrast, 'healthy' men without the condition were more likely to describe milder difficulties. Senior study author Dr Sunyun Ji explained that when men with psoriasis do develop erectile dysfunction, they may be able to improve their sexual health by keeping blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels in a healthy range. Regular screenings, as well as treatment for depression, could also help. Dr Ji said: Of the men with psoriasis, 20 per cent of those with erectile dysfunction described it as mild - while six per cent said their symptoms were severe.
In men without psoriasis, 22 per cent of those with erectile dysfunction reported mild symptoms, while two per cent reported severe symptoms, the authors wrote in the International Journal of Impotence Research. Men in the study were not randomly selected to participate - which could potentially limit the findings. Furthermore, the authors noted that the analysis included men who were more comfortable talking about their sexual healthy - which might mean that results could be different in a broader population of men.
Other underlying reasons may include genetic factors and the impact of psoriasis on the individual's lifestyle. More research is necessary to confirm a link.
Psoriasis: What are the possible complications?
Among people with psoriasis, there is a higher risk of some of the symptoms of metabolic syndrome, including heart problems, diabetes , fatty liver disease, and obesity. Experts do not know what might link these conditions with psoriasis. There may be common genetic factors, they may share similar environmental triggers, or there may be a combination of reasons. People with moderate-to-severe psoriasis should undergo testing for these conditions, so that they can receive preventive treatment if necessary.
Some types of psoriasis can affect body temperature regulation, and this can have an impact on internal organs, such as the heart and the kidneys, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. The skin is important for keeping the body temperature stable, and problems that affect the skin can also affect temperature, especially with more severe forms, such as erythrodermic and pustular psoriasis.
Pustular psoriasis is a severe form of psoriasis that can appear in people who already have psoriasis. In a case study of a patient with pustular psoriasis, published in , researchers noted that the condition can increase the risk of the following life-threatening complications:.
The person may need to spend time in the hospital until treatment normalizes their fluid, chemical balances, heart function, and skin condition.
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Between 10 and 30 percent of people with psoriasis may develop psoriatic arthritis PsA. While 85 percent of people with this condition first have skin symptoms, it can occur before or without dermatological symptoms. Anyone with psoriasis who has joint pain or stiffness should speak to their doctor. Early treatment can reduce the risk of permanent joint damage.
Eye problems: Around 7 percent of people with PsA are more likely to develop uveitis , an inflammatory eye disease, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. Hearing loss: A Spanish study of 60 people with PsA and 60 people without PsA, published in , looked at the risk of hearing loss. The researchers found that 60 percent of those with PsA had some degree of hearing loss, compared with only 8.
They concluded that PsA may lead to damage in the inner ear. Chronic kidney disease appears to be more common among people with psoriasis. Scientists reporting in described this as "logical," because psoriasis has links with cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease shares the same risk factors.
In addition, the treatments people use for psoriasis are likely to have a toxic effect on the kidneys. In a review published in Dermatology and Therapy in , researchers describe psoriasis as a "common, long-term skin condition associated with high levels of psychological distress and considerable life impact. People who have visible lesions may feel embarrassed by their appearance.
How to identify and treat scalp psoriasis
This can lead to isolation, depression. Scientists have found evidence of adrenal and pituitary involvement, which could lead to a hormonal imbalance. This imbalance could impact both the skin changes and the psychological well-being of a person with psoriasis. Anyone with psoriasis who is experiencing signs of depression or low mood should speak to a doctor about their concerns. As doctors increasingly come to understand the mental health challenges that people with psoriasis face, more effective treatment will hopefully become available.
When a person is familiar with the possible problems that can arise, it will be easier for them to explain to their doctor how they feel and to seek help. Treatment is available that can help to reduce many of the symptoms and complications of psoriasis and to improve a person's quality of life. Article last reviewed by Fri 9 November Visit our Psoriasis category page for the latest news on this subject, or sign up to our newsletter to receive the latest updates on Psoriasis.
All references are available in the References tab. About psoriatic arthritis. Retrieved from https: Amor-Dorado, J. Investigations into audiovestibular manifestations in patients with psoriatic arthritis [Abstract]. The Journal of Rheumatology, 41 10 , — Retrieved from http: Bahnvit, K. Diet and psoriasis: Part 2. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 71 2 , — Comorbidities associated with psoriatic disease.
De Moura, C. A case of acute generalized pustular psoriasis of von Zumbusch triggered by hypocalcemia. Case Reports in Dermatology, 7 3 , — Questions about complications and other diseases. Filoni, A. Association between psoriasis and vitamin D: Duration of disease correlates with decreased vitamin D serum levels: An observational case-control study.