Cholo dating gay
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Cholo Vista Gay Personals
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April 14: Wish these members a happy birthday!
Please try again later. Find More Posts by.: I am terribbly sorry for what I am about to say. BUT, you asked for the truth, and I'm going to give it to you. First of all, I will never see gansters the same again.
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NO offense, just incase this is a true story. But I've ALWAYS believed that the gangster guys, [minus the ones in prison because they have their slip ups, lol] were straight all the way. I mean seriously? A tough, bi guy? Lol I just can't get use to that. That's what I was thinking the whole time. This is super original, I do give you props on that! It seem's you have talent, but your not giving it your all though.
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Work on that! Your grammar needs work, I cannot STAND when I'm reading a good story and it takes me longer to read, because I have to figure out for myself what you mean.

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