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There is no mention of it in the student code of conduct, nor is it a requirement for getting a picture taken.
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She did not break any rules by wearing the tux, she broke with tradition. There is no reason to punish her for breaking with tradition, and an archaic one at that. Really, the school district had more important matters to pay attention to, and the bible quoting religious principal at Wesson Attendance Center decided not to allow her to break tradition. The Superintendent is his buddy, so the district picked this fight to fight. Meanwhile the other schools in the district are not doing well, and are continuing to lose teachers.
It's ridiculous that they treated a student like this, and it's even more ridiculous that they haven't been handling their other business. Just so everyone knows, my mom would never tell Ceara to "suck it up" if she was crying. There apparently was a misunderstanding with the interview. My mom is loving and supportive of Ceara and I and was always a comfort to us when we cried.
I just wanted to clarify that small portion! You have no idea how much it means to not only Ceara, but her family as well. So thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Joshua, I completely agree with your comment. If the school had allowed a straight woman in a tux or not have included Ceara's picture in a dress turned in on time this situation would be VERY different. But, I'm willing to bet, that even a straight man who wanted to be in a white, double breasted tux, with a windsor knot instead of a bow tie would not have been allowed in that senior spread.
Rules are definitely rules.
Just because she happens to be gay, and not following the rules, doesn't mean that the school is discriminating when they deny her request. And it can be clearly seen in the "backwards pageant" mentioned in previous interviews and Ceara's tux photo's that did make the year book, that the school is not against "cross-dressing".
They just do not allow it for the FORMAL senior portrait spread, and that rule has been the same for longer than most of us have been alive. Of course it is my assumption that the school has been around that long I read about this story today in The Advocate; it's national news now that Ceara's senior picture was deleted from the high school yearbook.
I am taking the time to write to the Jackson Free Press from my home in Colorado.
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What a petty, cruel thing for the school to do. They are supposed to provide a role model and adult guidance for the students, and what they have demonstrated instead is that childish hatred, bigotry and intolerance are alive and well in the district. Ceara's courage and example to the American people will long outlive the prom and the yearbook since the nation has clearly awakened to the need to expand protections to gay people nationwide.
Best wishes to Ceara, her family, and her supporters, especially those in Mississippi. All, I have copies of the relevant pages from Ceara's yearbook here.
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It is sobering to look at the "Seniors " pages five of them total and see no reference to her whatsoever. It is clear why she and her family were so upset. I'm not going to post those pages because iother young people are pictured and named on the pages. I'll see about getting that one PDF'd and posted shortly. None of the young people are named. Also, I know I've said it already, but Ceara has a remarkable, loving family. After the Constance situation, Mississippi is challenging this again? When will they grow up? I suppose I'll see in a couple of years. I've planned to wear a tuxedo at least to my senior prom, if not in my photos, for a while.
Dresses make me feel awkward and fake. It's just not me. Anyone that knows me knows I'll go out in mid-summer wearing jeans and a jacket. All I can really say is, Mississippi really needs a wake-up call. It's absolutely ridiculous what high schools have come to. I've had my fair share of butting heads with my school. I'm bisexual and participate actively in Day of Silence, something that is rarely heard of in Mississippi.
I colour my hair blue, almost never seen in this podunk state. I'm an extremely friendly person and am friends with most of my peers, have had fantastic grades since kindergarten, participate actively in many school activities, so why is it that schools across Mississippi are singling out individuals like this? We've done nothing wrong. So we're girls that like girls. So what? Why should they care? For most that choose, they feel better, more real, in the tux than a scoop-necked dress.