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The mediation of gay men's lives: A review on gay dating app studies
May not just a guy who was a married dating. Whatever your type of man, the application promises to find what you are looking for thanks to the many choice criteria offered. Ideal for those who like discretion, the Romeo app lets you discuss or share photos directly in private, and hide your GPS position. Spicy is an application for women only. Whether you are lesbian, bi, or transgender, Spicy offers you the opportunity to meet people near you.
The application uses a concept that has already proven its worth. As with many dating applications, you will only need to choose the profiles that interest you after selecting your search criteria. In case of a "match", all you have to do is start a chat. And for the most discreet of you, know that it is possible to hide your location and your personal data. Gay dating applications are on the rise. However, Scruff manages to stand out from the crowd. With a network of more than 5 million active members every day, this application is a must have on the smartphones of men in the gay community.
Offering identical functionalities to others, this is not the way Scruff stands out. Its little extra is that you can meet, discuss and flirt with people from all over the world or just from your region at any time. To give you an idea, more than 50 million messages are sent per week, leaving you speechless In contrast to becoming outdated, dating sites offer themselves a new youth by offering a mobile version. Whoever you are and whatever your personality, it is highly likely that you will find your happiness on one of the dating applications we have proposed in this article.
However, for the more adventurous, there is a more random concept, Bluedating. You don't know him? This is a Bluetooth flirting technique. To do this, simply activate it in a crowded place and your smartphone will detect all people connected via Bluetooth within a radius of 10 meters. From there, both devices will be able to exchange text messages and photos. E-mail address: Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues.
Learn more. These apps allow users to create profiles to present themselves and interact with each other to reach multiple goals, such as casual sex, dating, or networking.
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Attending to the dynamics between communication technologies and society, this article reviews gay dating app studies that highlight the communicative practices and social relations mediated by dating apps. We suggest that future research should pay more attention to the technical development of dating devices and the transformation of gay men's social relations. Unlike traditional dating sites, dating apps seem to reduce the time for getting a match; unlike Facebook, dating apps bring strangers together. The academic world has expressed interest in the increasing prevalence of dating apps.
Dating apps designed for gay men, or more broadly, men who have sex with men MSM , such as Grindr, Scruff, and Jack'd, have become an object of study for social science researchers. To study these apps and their uses, researchers have adopted distinct approaches. Accordingly, literature on gay dating apps is generated in different disciplines, namely, sociology and psychology, and in different fields, such as communication studies, gender studies, and HIV prevention studies. Specifically focused on the dynamics between communication technologies and society, this article reviews studies that highlight communicative practices and social relations mediated by dating apps, rather than the correlation between dating app use and sexual risk practices that concerns HIV prevention researchers.
Nevertheless, even within our narrowed scope, these studies draw on various theories, which makes it hard to tell a coherent story. Except for this strand, however, other literatures on gay dating apps do not form a direct dialogue. Given the novelty of this field and the current lack of an overview, in this paper, we provide a thematic review of gay dating app studies. To critically assess existing literature, we use the mediation framework proposed by Lievrouw This framework helps in understanding how communication technologies and society mutually shape each other.
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Lievrouw frames communication technologies as infrastructures. She argues that these infrastructures consist of three components, namely, a artifacts , devices or objects with certain technological and material features, used by people to communicate with each other; 2 practices , how people engage in communication with devices; and 3 social arrangements , social relations, institutions, and structures that not only organize and govern but also form and develop around communication technologies and practices.
These three components are in a constant state of flux. She identifies three corresponding modes of change, which are respectively called reconfiguration of artifacts, remediation of practices, and reformation of social arrangements. By borrowing from this mediation framework, we look at how dating app studies have enriched our knowledge of the dynamic interactions and articulations among artifacts, practices, and social arrangements.
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In the case of gay dating apps, we see dating apps as technical products representing artifacts. The ways gay men use dating apps can be defined as practices , and finally, the social relations among gay men can be viewed as social arrangements. In this review, we categorize the literature by examining the components and processes researchers have emphasized.
Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that some studies examine multiple components and processes e. This figure serves to structure the remainder of this review. For example, in the first section, we zoom in on the micro level of people's practices.

We look at studies highlighting how gay men's use of dating apps is afforded by technique and design features of the dating devices under existing but changing social arrangements. These studies demonstrate multiple goals of gay dating app users, some of which are even not intended by dating app designers Shield, , and the ways users present themselves in profiles and interact with others through private chat to achieve certain goals Birnholtz et al.
In the second section of the review, we zoom out to explore a macro landscape of existing social arrangements, and how these arrangements respond to dating apps and gay men's online dating practices. Finally, in the discussion, we make several suggestions for future research. These suggestions include focusing on the naissance and evolvement of gay dating apps and looking into the meaning of sex and emergence of new social relations. Many gay dating app researchers are interested in how dating apps, playing on the existing social norms within certain cultural contexts, shape gay men's online dating practices.
They examine how people actually use dating apps and what the technology affords. The design of gay dating apps allows users to express various expectations and engage in a variety of practices. Dating app profiles have checkboxes that allow people to communicate multiple goals.
Given the variety of users' backgrounds, practices which are not specifically intended by designers are also afforded by dating apps and carried out by users. Shield argues that immigrants to Copenhagen use dating app profiles to develop social networks to adapt to local life, and chats on dating apps are a useful way to initially engage with local gay residents. Many dating apps allow users to browse profiles in foreign countries, and some potential immigrants take advantage of this feature before they actually move to their destination.
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After learning local information about a host country through dating app profiles, including the subcultures of that host country, they reevaluate their decision to move.