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If you are questioning your sexuality, are seeking help with coming out, or want to meet and talk with other gay or bisexual men or counsellors, there are several resources in Metro Vancouver you can consider. You can find contact information for the queer community organization Qmunity and more information about their wide range of programs and services which includes support groups and counsellors by visiting their website.

If you wish to talk to someone about sexuality issues by phone, you can also call their Pride Line from Monday to Friday, from 7 to 10 p. Counseling services in person are also available for gay men in Vancouver at the Health Initiative for Men. If you are South Asian and are looking for social support in Metro Vancouver, there are a few options.

Friends, family, and allies are all welcome to join. Trikone Vancouver is another local social and support group for lesbian, gay, transgendered, or questioning individuals of South Asian descent. One other option is to talk to your family doctor about what other health care resources might serve you best.

He is the author of The Modern Thinker. While understanding the cultural emphasis on the South Asian community, this is not specific to South Asian gay men. This is a fact of life where many gay men of all races and backgrounds and ages are coming out less and less - why come out in real life and deal with the difficulties when you can be someone in a chat room online that you've always wanted to be?


There is a dangerous shift today where the lines of fantasy and reality are blurred: No matter who they meet in these chat rooms, there will never be a future because none of it is real. So now we have an even smaller percentage of gay men in real life available and ready to date, and more gay men who are hiding at home with the doors locked, living in isolation, with no confidants who know their true identity. This is why parents are finding their gay sons hanging in the garage or dead in the basement. Nobody had a clue about what was going on, and since they never wanted to meet any gay people in real life, there were no gay friends to motivate them to get out there.

If we as gay people don't know others are struggling, we can't do anything about it. That's what needs to be addressed: The gay coffee shops and dances are gone. Ten years ago there was so much activity at these gay-specific spaces; now so many are hiding at home alone, and with no clue on where to even meet anyone else. This is not what all this activism intended for the future. The internet is great, but it's also a great way for many to never move ahead.

These chat rooms do not build social skills nor were they meant to be a substitute for real life. Unfortunately, as life is right now, many gay men no longer can afford to move to progressive, largely gay populated cities such as Toronto and Vancouver It's hard to be alone and gay, especially in a hostile town.

But there's so many of us now - we just have to trust each other a little more and get through it. I've noticed that the Indian mainstream media is starting to give this topic much more attention there's even a super popular soap opera on ATN that has a complex story line about a gay man in an arranged marriage and they've detailed most of the issues you've mentioned.


The concept of homosexuality is one that is shockingly not well understood in India and the Indian diaspora and homophobia is rampant. This beautifully produced coffee-table book brings together over of Georgia Straight's iconic covers, along with short essays, insider details and contributor reflections, putting each of these issues of the publication into its historical context. I am so kicking my self in the ass. I was rushing to get back to work. You and me looked at each For years, I deceived myself. I thought I was being honest by thinking of myself, and admitting Life Topics.

JLund Jan 22, at This is a great article. I hope to see more informative and beneficial articles like this in the LGBT section. Thank you. Get the latests events and news updates. Straight Talk: Weekly top stories the List: I may unsubscribe at any time. Spinning him as the Conservative version of Mike Harcourt? Incident between skiers on Grouse Mountain sends youth to hospital. A number of m en from South Asian Hindu backgrounds said that the barriers to.

Although I am convinced that being homosexual is not condemned explicitly.

Pravin , Ind2, Some participants said that t he powerful hetero-normative messages they internalised. All the aunt ies are pers istently asking about when I am ever going to marry. Deepak ,. Pride, honour and shame were freque ntly mentioned by men from South Asian backgrounds. No one said it but it is taken as a rule. Amin, P1, One participant from an Indian back ground said that if his sexualit y became known among. They've asked me to not date anyone until m y brother gets marr ied as they. Prade ep, Ind5, Only a small number of the participants in the pres ent study claimed that they had.

Instea d the norm was to have experienced m ore subtle forms of discrimination. A major theme for Black African and Carib bean m en was the obj ectification and. Some saw this as a form of discrim ination.

Timeline of South Asian and diasporic LGBT history

They noted that they were. I have been taken advant age of sexually b y some men who I've later come to. They were generally interested. I did notice in the past that some sexual partners r eminded me that I was. Cham , BA6, What sorts of preconceived ideas do you think white men might. That we cannot be ga y… that we are lower in terms of school, job.

For some Black m en, sexual encounters with W hite gay men c ould entail the play ing out of. What sort of racist or derogatory things would White m en say.

Arapoglou – MESEA

He would say things like 'fuck me nigger' or 'suck my dick nigger'. Do men ever m ake assumptions about the sexua l roles you will. T here is that lam e 'black stud' assumption. B ut as I tend to talk. Some men from Black backgrounds said tha t the objectification of Black m en often made.

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While, on. A participant from a Black African background. If you are out in a bar or a club and you catch someone look ing at you then. William, BA2,. The representations of Black gay men in the ga y press were implicated a s helping to. The onl y discrimination that British gay m en d o is the limited a nd. There is an. The images of white gay bodies portr ay a particular ideal of beauty which,. At the same time some Black men contended that the general absence of Blac k. The culture m agazines, press etc is designed with [White gay m en] in mind,. As the ideals. Conversely, the absence of images of South Asian gay men in the press was noted as a.

More ga y Asian people have to break into the media - or maybe just Heat. Indeed, rather than being objectified like thei r Black gay counterparts, South Asian men. I've found over the years that Asian men are something of a novelty, and as. In contrast to the h yper-masculine stereotype of Black ga y men, South Asian m en often saw.

Family tried to push Sikh gay man into heterosexual marriage - BBC News

Asian m en of all sorts are considered the bottom of the list in sexual. This is because people look at us as being ugly, shor t. Saeed , P2,. The Internet was mentioned by a number of men as a context where they would often be. Pravin ,. Gaydar is an instance in point, especially b ecause people can hide behind. Saeed , P2, The Internet also emerged as a context where some gay men find themselves subject to. In the following excerpt a participant from a Pakistani backgroun d describes.

I can't recall of anything like this to have happened in person.